在值中搜索字符串并在 LINQ 中获取属性值到 VB.NET 中的 XML

search string in value and get attribute value in LINQ to XML in VB.NET

我有一个 XML 文件,我想使用 Contains 命令搜索“val”的值并获取其“索引”属性以及“目录名称”属性。

    <catalog index="1" name="n1">
        <val index="1">sample text 1</val>
        <val index="2">sample text 2</val>
        <val index="3">sample text 3</val>
    <catalog index="2" name="n2">
        <val index="1">sample text 0</val>
        <val index="2">sample text 2</val>
        <val index="3">sample text 3</val>
        <val index="4">sample text 1</val>
        <val index="5">sample text 5</val>
        <val index="6">sample text 6</val>
    <catalog index="3" name="n3">
        <val index="1">sample text 8</val>
        <val index="2">sample text 9</val>
        <val index="3">sample text 10</val>


Dim xml_Doc = XDocument.Load(myPath & "list.Xml")

Dim search_result As IEnumerable(Of XElement)
search_result =
        (From c In xml_Doc.Descendants("catalog")
         Where c.Elements("val").Value.Contains("sample text 1")
         Select c.Elements("val").Attributes("index").ToString & c.Attribute("name").Value)



index:1 , name: n1
index:4 , name: n2

最简单的方法是对 c.Elements("val") 元素进行嵌套 From 查询,如下所示:

Dim sampleText = "sample text 1"
Dim search_result = 
    (From c In xml_Doc.Descendants("catalog")
    From v in c.Elements("val")
    Where v.Value.Contains(sampleText)
    Select New With {.index = v.Attribute("index").Value, .name = c.Attribute("name").Value })
For Each s In search_result
    Console.WriteLine("index:{0} , name:{1}", s.index, s.name)


index:1 , name:n1
index:4 , name:n2
index:3 , name:n3


  • 这样做可以让您轻松过滤内部元素 v 的值,然后过滤 v 和外部元素的 select 属性c.

  • index:3 , name:n3 包含在结果中,因为此元素 sample text 10 的文本包含搜索字符串 sample text 1。如果您不想包含此元素,请更改 Where 子句以使用相等性:

     Dim search_result = 
         (From c In xml_Doc.Descendants("catalog")
         From v in c.Elements("val")
         Where v.Value = sampleText
         Select New With {.index = v.Attribute("index").Value, .name = c.Attribute("name").Value })

小提琴演示 here and here

免责声明:我喜欢 XmlSerialization。强类型和可重用对象。我会首先通过创建一些 类 来将文件序列化为

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Public Class List
    Public Property Catalogs As List(Of Catalog)
End Class

Public Class Catalog
    Public Property Vals As List(Of Val)
    Public Property Index As Integer
    Public Property Name As String
End Class

Public Class Val
    Public Property Index As Integer
    Public Property Text As String
End Class


Dim list As List
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(List))
Using sr As New StreamReader("list.xml")
    list = CType(serializer.Deserialize(sr), List)
End Using

现在您的 xml 在 .NET 类 中,您可以使用 LINQ 来获得您想要的东西

Dim searchString = "sample text 1"
Dim catalogs As New List(Of Catalog)()
For Each catalog In list.Catalogs
    Dim vals = catalog.Vals.Where(Function(val) val.Text = searchString)
    For Each val In vals
        catalogs.Add(New Catalog() With {.Vals = {val}.ToList(), .Name = catalog.Name, .Index = catalog.Index})
Dim search_results = catalogs.SelectMany(Function(c) c.Vals.Select(Function(v) $"index:{v.Index}, name: {c.Name}"))
For Each search_result In search_results


index:1, name: n1
index:4, name: n2

它变得有点笨拙,因为您想要 n 对 m 关系中的 m 个项目(n 个目录和 m 个值),因此我们使用 SelectMany 将目录投影到多个值中。但是对象 list 拥有您可以用于其他目的的所有数据。

如另一个答案所述,您正在搜索包含“示例文本 1”但 returns“示例文本 10”的字符串,并且根据您想要的输出,您应该搜索完全匹配。