Powershell select parent xml node based on child node value and add child element
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
<description>An in-depth look at creating applications
with XML.</description>
<book id="bk102">
<author>Ralls, Kim</author>
<title>Midnight Rain</title>
<description>A former architect battles corporate zombies,
an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen
of the world.</description>
<book id="bk103">
<author>Corets, Eva</author>
<title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
<description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
society in England, the young survivors lay the
foundation for a new society.</description>
我想在 powershell 中,select 作者是 Corets,Eva 的书 node/element 然后添加书的子元素,另一个元素(价格的兄弟,紧随其后价格),比如说,长度。以及长度的新值,'456'
因此,在 Ive 运行 代码之后,book 元素的(部分)xml 代码如下所示:
<book id="bk103">
<author>Corets, Eva</author>
<title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
<description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
society in England, the young survivors lay the
foundation for a new society.</description>
[xml]$books = Get-Content .\books.xml
$corets = $books.catalog.books.book | Where-Object { $_.author -eq 'Corets, Eva' }
$coretsPrice = $corets.SelectSingleNode('price')
$coretsLength = $books.CreateElement('length')
$coretsLength.InnerText = 495
$corets.InsertAfter($coretsLength, $coretsPrice)
您可以将以下 XPath 表达式用于 select 仅 <book />
个节点,其中子节点 <author>
的文本值为 Corets, Eva
//book[author[. = 'Corets, Eva']]
# Create a new XML document
$newDocument = [xml]'<catalog><books></books></catalog>'
$newBooks = $newDocument.SelectSingleNode('/catalog/books')
# Loop through all relevant <book> nodes in the existing document
foreach($book in $existingDocument.SelectNodes('//book[author[. = 'Corets, Eva']]')){
# import book node to new document
$newBook = $newDocument.ImportNode($book, $true)
# add new required child node
$newLength = $newDocument.CreateElement('length')
$newLength.InnerText = '456'
# insert new node after `price`
[void]$newBook.InsertAfter($newLength, $newBook.SelectSingleNode('./price'))
# insert new book node under /catalog/books
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
<description>An in-depth look at creating applications
with XML.</description>
<book id="bk102">
<author>Ralls, Kim</author>
<title>Midnight Rain</title>
<description>A former architect battles corporate zombies,
an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen
of the world.</description>
<book id="bk103">
<author>Corets, Eva</author>
<title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
<description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
society in England, the young survivors lay the
foundation for a new society.</description>
我想在 powershell 中,select 作者是 Corets,Eva 的书 node/element 然后添加书的子元素,另一个元素(价格的兄弟,紧随其后价格),比如说,长度。以及长度的新值,'456'
因此,在 Ive 运行 代码之后,book 元素的(部分)xml 代码如下所示:
<book id="bk103">
<author>Corets, Eva</author>
<title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
<description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
society in England, the young survivors lay the
foundation for a new society.</description>
[xml]$books = Get-Content .\books.xml
$corets = $books.catalog.books.book | Where-Object { $_.author -eq 'Corets, Eva' }
$coretsPrice = $corets.SelectSingleNode('price')
$coretsLength = $books.CreateElement('length')
$coretsLength.InnerText = 495
$corets.InsertAfter($coretsLength, $coretsPrice)
您可以将以下 XPath 表达式用于 select 仅 <book />
个节点,其中子节点 <author>
的文本值为 Corets, Eva
//book[author[. = 'Corets, Eva']]
# Create a new XML document
$newDocument = [xml]'<catalog><books></books></catalog>'
$newBooks = $newDocument.SelectSingleNode('/catalog/books')
# Loop through all relevant <book> nodes in the existing document
foreach($book in $existingDocument.SelectNodes('//book[author[. = 'Corets, Eva']]')){
# import book node to new document
$newBook = $newDocument.ImportNode($book, $true)
# add new required child node
$newLength = $newDocument.CreateElement('length')
$newLength.InnerText = '456'
# insert new node after `price`
[void]$newBook.InsertAfter($newLength, $newBook.SelectSingleNode('./price'))
# insert new book node under /catalog/books