
How to order the result of ROLLUP by each groups total


    actname    | year     | tickets
 Join Division | 2016     |       2
 Join Division | 2018     |       2
 Join Division | 2020     |       3
 Join Division | Total    |       7 <<<
 QLS           | 2018     |       2
 QLS           | 2019     |       1
 QLS           | Total    |       3 <<<
 Scalar Swift  | 2017     |       3
 Scalar Swift  | 2018     |       1
 Scalar Swift  | 2019     |       1
 Scalar Swift  | Total    |       5 <<<
 The Selecter  | 2017     |       4
 The Selecter  | 2018     |       4
 The Selecter  | Total    |       8 <<<
 The Where     | 2016     |       1
 The Where     | 2017     |       3
 The Where     | 2018     |       5
 The Where     | 2020     |       4
 The Where     | Total    |      13 <<<
 ViewBee 40    | 2017     |       3
 ViewBee 40    | 2018     |       1
 ViewBee 40    | Total    |       4 <<<


    actname    | year     | tickets
 QLS           | 2018     |       2
 QLS           | 2019     |       1
 QLS           | Total    |       3 <<<
 ViewBee 40    | 2017     |       3
 ViewBee 40    | 2018     |       1
 ViewBee 40    | Total    |       4 <<<
 Scalar Swift  | 2017     |       3
 Scalar Swift  | 2018     |       1
 Scalar Swift  | 2019     |       1
 Scalar Swift  | Total    |       5 <<<
 Join Division | 2016     |       2
 Join Division | 2018     |       2
 Join Division | 2020     |       3
 Join Division | Total    |       7 <<<
 The Selecter  | 2017     |       4
 The Selecter  | 2018     |       4
 The Selecter  | Total    |       8 <<<
 The Where     | 2016     |       1
 The Where     | 2017     |       3
 The Where     | 2018     |       5
 The Where     | 2020     |       4
 The Where     | Total    |      13 <<<


GROUP BY actname, ROLLUP(year)




使用 window 函数(在本例中为 sum())您可以将值设置为组(组按 actname 列分区),所以现在每个组来自 actname 列,具有相同的值,作为它自己的行,其中 year='Total'.


with t(actname, year, tickets) as (
('Join Division','2016',2),
('Join Division','2018',2),
('Join Division','2020',3),
('Join Division','Total',7),
('QLS','Total',3 ),
('Scalar Swift','2017',3),
('Scalar Swift','2018',1),
('Scalar Swift','2019',1),
('Scalar Swift','Total',5 ),
('The Selecter','2017',4),
('The Selecter','2018',4),
('The Selecter','Total',8 ),
('The Where','2016',1),
('The Where','2017',3),
('The Where','2018',5),
('The Where','2020',4),
('The Where','Total',13 ),
('ViewBee 40','2017',3),
('ViewBee 40','2018',1),
('ViewBee 40','Total',4 )
    select *,  sum(case when year = 'Total' then tickets end) over(partition by actname) sm from t
) tt
ORDER BY sm, year