Forge chunk 上传 .NET Core

Forge chunk upload .NET Core

我对在 Forge 存储桶中上传大型对象有疑问。我知道我需要使用 /resumable api,但是我怎样才能得到文件(当我只有文件名时)。在这段代码中 FILE_PATH 到底是什么?一般是先存到服务器再上传到bucket吗?

private static dynamic resumableUploadFile()
       Console.WriteLine("*****begin uploading large file");
        string path = FILE_PATH;
        if (!File.Exists(path))`enter code here`
            path = @"..\..\..\" + FILE_PATH;

        //total size of file        
        long fileSize = new System.IO.FileInfo(path).Length;
        //size of piece, say 2M    
        long chunkSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 ;
        //pieces count
        long nbChunks = (long)Math.Round(0.5 + (double)fileSize / (double)chunkSize);
        //record a global response for next function. 
        ApiResponse<dynamic> finalRes = null ;
        using (FileStream streamReader = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
            //unique id of this session
            string sessionId = RandomString(12);
            for (int i = 0; i < nbChunks; i++)
                //start binary position of one certain piece 
                long start = i * chunkSize;
                //end binary position of one certain piece 
                //if the size of last piece is bigger than  total size of the file, end binary 
                // position will be the end binary position of the file 
                long end = Math.Min(fileSize, (i + 1) * chunkSize) - 1;

                //tell Forge about the info of this piece
                string range = "bytes " + start + "-" + end + "/" + fileSize;
                // length of this piece
                long length = end - start + 1; 

                //read the file stream of this piece
                byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer);

                int nb = streamReader.Read(buffer, 0, (int)length);
                memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, nb);
                memoryStream.Position = 0;

                //upload the piece to Forge bucket
                ApiResponse<dynamic> response = objectsApi.UploadChunkWithHttpInfo(BUCKET_KEY,
                        FILE_NAME, (int)length, range, sessionId, memoryStream,

                finalRes = response;

                if (response.StatusCode == 202){
                    Console.WriteLine("one certain piece has been uploaded");
                else if(response.StatusCode == 200){
                    Console.WriteLine("the last piece has been uploaded");
                    //any error

        return (finalRes);
  1. FILE_PATH: 是您在服务器上存储文件的路径。
  2. 您应该先将文件上传到服务器。为什么?因为当您将文件上传到 Autodesk Forge Server 时,您需要内部令牌,它应该保密(这就是为什么您将它保存在您的服务器中),您不希望有人拿走该令牌并弄乱您的 Forge 帐户。

您从 this article 粘贴的代码更多是关于 在文件已存储在服务器上时从服务器上传 - 要么用于缓存目的,要么服务器 using/modifying那些文件。

Paxton.Huynh 所述,FILE_PATH 包含服务器上存储文件的位置。

如果你只是想通过你的服务器将块上传到 Forge (以保持凭据和内部访问令牌的秘密),就像代理一样,那么最好只是通过在这些块上进行 Forge 而不是将文件存储在服务器上 firstthen 将其传递给 Forge - 您提到的示例代码在做什么。

参见例如这个,虽然它在 NodeJS: