
Adding an object to an existing list during iteration

我有一个包含 5 个对象的列表。

List<ObjA> listA = new List<ObjA>();

我有一个要求,在遍历列表时,如果满足某些条件,我需要创建当前对象的副本并修改一个 属性 并将其添加回 listA。 我可以创建一个单独的列表,在 for 循环之后,我可以将它添加到 listA,但是有没有更好的方法来实现这一点?

foreach(var a in listA)
  //if(a.somecondition is true)
  // create a clone of 'a' and add it to listA


foreach(var a in listA.ToList())
  //if(a.somecondition is true)
  // create a clone of 'a' and add it to listA
  var copyOfA = /* make copy of a */.


// save the length before we iterate so that we don't iterate into new items
int length = listA.Count; 

// loop from 0 to the original length
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
    var a = listA[i];
    if (a.somecondition)


var newList = oldList.SelectMany(item =>
    if (someCondition) 
        var updatedClone = // create clone
        return new[] { item, updatedClone };
    return new[] { item };      


public static IEnumerable<Item> TryAddUpdatedClone(this Item item)
    yield return item;
    if (someCondition)
        var updatedClone = // create clone with new values
        yield return updatedClone;

// Usage
var newList = oldList.SelectMany(item => item.TryAddUpdatedClone()).ToList();