
Derive an attribute as a superkey which is not even present in functional dependency


Consider The Following Relation R(A,B,C,D,E,G) And The Set Of Functional Dependencies

F = { A → BCD 
      BC → DE 
      B → D 
      D → A}

Prove that AG is a superkey using Armstrong’s axioms.



因此,假设 F 是 R 的函数依赖的覆盖,如果我们可以导出 AG → ABCDEG,我们可以检查 AG 是一个超键。让我们继续执行以下步骤:

1. A → BCD (given)
2. BC → DE (given)
3. BCD → BC (by reflexivity)
4. A → BC (by transitivity from 1 and 3)
5. A → DE (by transitivity from 4 and 2)
6. A → BCDE (by union with 1 and 5)
7. A → ABCDE (by augmentation with A from 6)
8. AG → ABCDEG (by augmentation with G from 7)

作为最后的说明,每个不存在于 F 的覆盖的某些依赖项的右侧的属性必须存在于 any 候选键中(否则它可能不存在)由其他属性派生)。