如何在 wxPython GUI 应用程序中中止 Python 中的 运行 线程?

How to abort a running thread in Python in a wxPython GUI application?

我正在使用 wxPython 编写一个 Python 3.9 GUI 应用程序。该应用程序允许用户输入信息并按下“计算”按钮。这将启动一个长 运行ning 线程,用状态更新更新主应用程序 window。应用程序成功启动计算线程并保持响应。

现在我想添加一个“中止”按钮,当用户选择按下“中止”按钮时,该按钮将 stop/cancel/abort 之前启动的线程。

找了一段时间,在wxPython网站上找到了下面的代码,里面有我要找的通用框架。它以更简单的形式遵循我的应用程序的主要逻辑。它缺少正在进行的 GUI 状态更新,因此我添加了一个来模拟 GUI 状态更新 - 请参阅下面代码中的“<<<<<<”参考。 wx.PostEvent(self._notify_window, ResultEvent(i))

但是,添加此行后,当用户在处理线程已启动时按下“停止”按钮时,似乎会中断事件处理。在 3-4 秒后按下“停止”按钮时,下面示例代码中的计数线程继续 运行 并忽略“停止”按钮事件。


如何在计数线程 运行ning 时保持使用状态更新来更新 GUI 的功能,并让“停止”按钮终止主动 运行ning 线程?

我相信有办法优化下面的代码。请不要犹豫,分享您的 thoughts/knowledge。谢谢。

import time
from threading import *
import wx

# Button definitions
ID_START = wx.NewId()
ID_STOP = wx.NewId()

# Define notification event for thread completion
EVT_RESULT_ID = wx.NewId()

def EVT_RESULT(win, func):
    """Define Result Event."""
    win.Connect(-1, -1, EVT_RESULT_ID, func)

class ResultEvent(wx.PyEvent):
    """Simple event to carry arbitrary result data."""
    def __init__(self, data):
        """Init Result Event."""
        self.data = data

# Thread class that executes processing
class WorkerThread(Thread):
    """Worker Thread Class."""
    def __init__(self, notify_window):
        """Init Worker Thread Class."""
        self._notify_window = notify_window
        self._want_abort = 0
        # This starts the thread running on creation, but you could
        # also make the GUI thread responsible for calling this

    def run(self):
        """Run Worker Thread."""
        # This is the code executing in the new thread. Simulation of
        # a long process (well, 10s here) as a simple loop - you will
        # need to structure your processing so that you periodically
        # peek at the abort variable
        for i in range(10):
            if self._want_abort:
                # Use a result of None to acknowledge the abort (of
                # course you can use whatever you'd like or even
                # a separate event type)
                wx.PostEvent(self._notify_window, ResultEvent(None))
            wx.PostEvent(self._notify_window, ResultEvent(i))      <<<<<<< Added to simulate "status update" feedback of my application.
        # Here's where the result would be returned (this is an
        # example fixed result of the number 10, but it could be
        # any Python object)
        wx.PostEvent(self._notify_window, ResultEvent(10))

    def abort(self):
        """abort worker thread."""
        # Method for use by main thread to signal an abort
        self._want_abort = 1

# GUI Frame class that spins off the worker thread
class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
    """Class MainFrame."""
    def __init__(self, parent, id):
        """Create the MainFrame."""
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, 'Thread Test')

        # Dumb sample frame with two buttons
        wx.Button(self, ID_START, 'Start', pos=(0,0))
        wx.Button(self, ID_STOP, 'Stop', pos=(0,50))
        self.status = wx.StaticText(self, -1, '', pos=(0,100))

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStart, id=ID_START)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStop, id=ID_STOP)

        # Set up event handler for any worker thread results

        # And indicate we don't have a worker thread yet
        self.worker = None

    def OnStart(self, event):
        """Start Computation."""
        # Trigger the worker thread unless it's already busy
        if not self.worker:
            self.status.SetLabel('Starting computation')
            self.worker = WorkerThread(self)

    def OnStop(self, event):
        """Stop Computation."""
        # Flag the worker thread to stop if running
        if self.worker:
            self.status.SetLabel('Trying to abort computation')

    def OnResult(self, event):
        """Show Result status."""
        if event.data is None:
            # Thread aborted (using our convention of None return)
            self.status.SetLabel('Computation aborted')
            # Process results here
            self.status.SetLabel('Computation Result: %s' % event.data)
        # In either event, the worker is done
        self.worker = None

class MainApp(wx.App):
    """Class Main App."""
    def OnInit(self):
        """Init Main App."""
        self.frame = MainFrame(None, -1)
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = MainApp(0)

你只是把 self.worker = None 设置错了。
它应该只在停止时或自然终止时设置为 None,除此之外代码没问题。

import time
from threading import *
import wx

# Button definitions
ID_START = wx.NewId()
ID_STOP = wx.NewId()

# Define notification event for thread completion
EVT_RESULT_ID = wx.NewId()

def EVT_RESULT(win, func):
    """Define Result Event."""
    win.Connect(-1, -1, EVT_RESULT_ID, func)

class ResultEvent(wx.PyEvent):
    """Simple event to carry arbitrary result data."""
    def __init__(self, data):
        """Init Result Event."""
        self.data = data

# Thread class that executes processing
class WorkerThread(Thread):
    """Worker Thread Class."""
    def __init__(self, notify_window):
        """Init Worker Thread Class."""
        self._notify_window = notify_window
        self._want_abort = 0
        # This starts the thread running on creation, but you could
        # also make the GUI thread responsible for calling this

    def run(self):
        """Run Worker Thread."""
        # This is the code executing in the new thread. Simulation of
        # a long process (well, 10s here) as a simple loop - you will
        # need to structure your processing so that you periodically
        # peek at the abort variable
        for i in range(10):
            if self._want_abort:
                # Use a result of None to acknowledge the abort (of
                # course you can use whatever you'd like or even
                # a separate event type)
                wx.PostEvent(self._notify_window, ResultEvent(None))
            wx.PostEvent(self._notify_window, ResultEvent(i)) #     <<<<<<< Added to simulate "status update" feedback of my application.
        # Here's where the result would be returned (this is an
        # example fixed result of the number 10, but it could be
        # any Python object)
        wx.PostEvent(self._notify_window, ResultEvent(10))

    def abort(self):
        """abort worker thread."""
        # Method for use by main thread to signal an abort
        self._want_abort = 1

# GUI Frame class that spins off the worker thread
class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
    """Class MainFrame."""
    def __init__(self, parent, id):
        """Create the MainFrame."""
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, 'Thread Test')

        # Dumb sample frame with two buttons
        wx.Button(self, ID_START, 'Start', pos=(0,0))
        wx.Button(self, ID_STOP, 'Stop', pos=(0,50))
        self.status = wx.StaticText(self, -1, '', pos=(0,100))

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStart, id=ID_START)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStop, id=ID_STOP)

        # Set up event handler for any worker thread results

        # And indicate we don't have a worker thread yet
        self.worker = None

    def OnStart(self, event):
        """Start Computation."""
        # Trigger the worker thread unless it's already busy
        if self.worker:
            self.status.SetLabel('Starting computation')
            self.worker = WorkerThread(self)
            self.status.SetLabel('Computation started')

    def OnStop(self, event):
        """Stop Computation."""
        # Flag the worker thread to stop if running
        if self.worker:
            self.status.SetLabel('Trying to abort computation')
            self.worker = None
            self.status.SetLabel('Computation not running')

    def OnResult(self, event):
        """Show Result status."""
        if event.data is None:
            # Thread aborted (using our convention of None return)
            self.status.SetLabel('Computation aborted')
            # Process results here
            self.status.SetLabel('Computation Result: %s' % event.data)
        if event.data == 10: 
            self.worker = None
            self.status.SetLabel('Computation Finished')

class MainApp(wx.App):
    """Class Main App."""
    def OnInit(self):
        """Init Main App."""
        self.frame = MainFrame(None, -1)
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = MainApp(0)