在 C 中使用堆栈链表的迭代 dfs

Iterative dfs using stack linked list in C

大家好,我有一个关于使用堆栈的 dfs 的问题。
我几乎完成了代码,但我想我错过了完成和打印堆栈的控制。 这是我的代码。

我想我在使用函数“iterative_dfs”时犯了错误,但找不到它。 谢谢!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_VERTICES 100
struct node{
     int vertex; 
     struct node *link; 
typedef struct node *nodePointer; 
nodePointer graph[MAX_VERTICES] ;
int visited[MAX_VERTICES]; 

struct stack{
     int data; 
     struct stack *link ; 
typedef struct stack *stackpointer; 
stackpointer top= NULL;

void push(int data){
        stackpointer temp = (stackpointer)malloc(sizeof(struct stack)); 
        temp->data= data; 
        temp->link = top;
        top= temp; 
int pop(){
     stackpointer temp ;
     int value; 
     value= top->data; 
     temp= top ;
     top= top->link; 
     return value; 

void iterative_dfs(int v){
     nodePointer w; 
     int vnext; 
         printf("%5d", vnext); 
         for(w=graph[vnext]; w; w=w->link){

void main() {

    nodePointer prev;
    nodePointer np;
    /* adjacency list for vertex 0 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(nodePointer)); np->vertex = 1; np->link = NULL; graph[0] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 2; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;
    /* adjacency list for vertex 1 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 0; np->link = NULL; graph[1] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 3; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 4; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;

    /* adjacency list for vertex 2 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 0; np->link = NULL; graph[2] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 5; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 6; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;

    /* adjacency list for vertex 3 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 1; np->link = NULL; graph[3] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 7; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;

    /* adjacency list for vertex 4 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 1; np->link = NULL; graph[4] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 7; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;

    /* adjacency list for vertex 5 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 2; np->link = NULL; graph[5] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 7; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;

    /* adjacency list for vertex 6 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 2; np->link = NULL; graph[6] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 7; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;

    /* adjacency list for vertex 7 */
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 3; np->link = NULL; graph[7] = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 4; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 5; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np; prev = np;
    np = (nodePointer)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->vertex = 6; np->link = NULL; prev->link = np;

    for(int i=0; i<8; i++) visited[i] = 0;


例如,当 3 尚未访问但遇到两次时会出现问题,因为它是两个节点的邻居,因此被推送了两次。为避免这种情况,必须确保已推送的某些元素不会再次推送。

请查看对 push() 函数所做的更改。更改标记为 // CHANGE HERE 条评论。

注意:要使用 bool 包括 stdbool.h

void iterative_dfs(int v) {
  nodePointer w;
  int vnext;
  visited[v] = 1;

  // CHANGE HERE: have a boolean array pushed which will store which elements
  // are already pushed in the stack
  bool pushed[8] = {0};

  // CHANGE HERE: update the pushed array after a push operation
  pushed[v] = true;
  while (top) {
    vnext = pop();
    visited[vnext] = 1;
    printf("%5d", vnext);

    for (w = graph[vnext]; w; w = w->link) {
      // CHANGE HERE: check for both visited and pushed
      if (!visited[w->vertex] && !pushed[w->vertex]) {
        // CHANGE HERE: update the pushed array after a push operation
        pushed[w->vertex] = true;

看到这个link(我修改之前的代码):https://godbolt.org/z/5e71ehfWx 您会看到如何遇到节点并将其推入堆栈。 5 遇到两次并被推送两次,因此您首先在结果中看到 5。

现在,看这个link(我修改后的代码):https://godbolt.org/z/xc38zbc36 现在,5 只在第一次遇到时被压入一次,因此你得到的结果(现在是正确的)与你预期的不同。


下面的代码给出了所需的输出:0 2 6 7 5 4 1 3

我从checking to already pushed 改为checking already popped.

void iterative_dfs(int v) {
  nodePointer w;
  int vnext;
  visited[v] = 1;

  // CHANGE HERE: have a boolean array popped which will store which elements
  // are already popped from the stack
  bool popped[8] = {0};

  while (top) {
    vnext = pop();
    visited[vnext] = 1;
    // CHANGE HERE: check for popped
    // update the popped array if not already popped
    if (popped[vnext])
    popped[vnext] = true;

    printf("%5d", vnext);

    for (w = graph[vnext]; w; w = w->link) {
      // CHANGE HERE: check for visited
      if (!visited[w->vertex]) {