如何用 r3labs/diff 区分整个结构

How to diff entire struct with r3labs/diff

我遇到了 Go 语言的 github.com/r3labs/diff 库来比较两个相同类型的结构。

库运行良好,除了以下一个用例:我正在使用 Date 结构来表示日期:

type Date struct {
    Year  int
    Month int
    Day   int

现在,还有一些其他更复杂的结构使用 Date 结构让我们举个例子:

type Student struct {
  DateOfBirth Date


  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}},
  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}},

结果我会得到一个包含 2 项的更改日志,一项用于 DateOfBirth > Month,另一项用于 DateOfBirth > Day

我想要的结果是一个包含单个项目 (DateOfBirth) 和 2021-10-09.



注意 此解决方案使用 github.com/r3labs/diff/v2.

没有这样的选项。 diff 只是递归地处理结构字段并为每个不同的字段生成变更日志。

要实现您想要的输出,您可以实现自己的 ValueDiffer。这样你就可以“原子地”区分结构并以你想要的格式附加到变更日志。


type DateDiffer struct {

// Whether this differ should be used to match a specific type
func (d *DateDiffer) Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
    return diff.AreType(a, b, reflect.TypeOf(Date{}))

// The actual diff function, where you also append to the changelog
// using your custom format
func (d *DateDiffer) Diff(cl *diff.Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error {
    if a.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
        cl.Add(diff.CREATE, path, nil, b.Interface())
        return nil
    if b.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
        cl.Add(diff.DELETE, path, a.Interface(), nil)
        return nil
    var d1, d2 Date
    d1, _ = a.Interface().(Date)
    d2, _ = b.Interface().(Date)
    if d1.Day != d2.Day || d1.Month != d2.Month || d1.Year != d2.Year {
        cl.Add(diff.UPDATE, path, fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", d1.Year, d1.Month, d1.Day), fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", d2.Year, d2.Month, d2.Day))
    return nil

// unsure what this is actually for, but you must implement it either way
func (d *DateDiffer) InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error) {


    d2, _ := diff.NewDiffer(diff.CustomValueDiffers(&DateDiffer{}))

    s1 := Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}}
    s2 := Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}}

    ch2, _ := d2.Diff(s1, s2)

输出(json 编组和缩进):

   "type": "update",
   "path": [
   "from": "2021-11-13",
   "to": "2021-10-9"


我需要为 Date 创建自定义差异并使用包中的 DisableStructValues 选项。

此选项很有用,因为它禁止为结构中的每个项目填充单独的更改,并且在将其与 nil 值进行比较时 returns 整个对象。

  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}},
  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}},


type ValueDiffer interface {
    Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool
    Diff(cl *Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error
    InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error)


type DateDiffer struct {
    DiffFunc (func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error)

func (differ DateDiffer) Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
    return diff.AreType(a, b, reflect.TypeOf(Date{}))

func (differ DateDiffer) Diff(cl *diff.Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error {
    if a.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
        cl.Add(diff.CREATE, path, nil, b.Interface())
        return nil

    if b.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
        cl.Add(diff.DELETE, path, a.Interface(), nil)
        return nil

    var source, target Date
    source, _ = a.Interface().(Date)
    target, _ = b.Interface().(Date)
    if !source.Equal(target) {
        cl.Add(diff.UPDATE, path, a.Interface(), b.Interface())

    return nil

func (differ DateDiffer) InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error) {
    differ.DiffFunc = dfunc
