
Applying grammar to strings


例如,James 的基因是 ',Kennedy 的基因是 's。

我想我想说的是我想要一个更清晰的实现,它允许我跳过必须为每个名称编写字符串 Genetive:friend1(2..n)

using System;

namespace Prac
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string Friend =  "";                string last_char_Friend = "";               string Genetive_Friend = "";
            string Friend1 = "Kennedy";         string last_char_Friend1 = Friend1[^1..];   string Genetive_Friend1 = "\'s";    
            string Friend2 = "James";           string last_char_Friend2 = Friend2[^1..];   string Genetive_Friend2 = "\'";
            string Friend3 = "Ngolo Kante";     string last_char_Friend3 = Friend3[^1..];   string Genetive_Friend3 = "\'s";

        Console.WriteLine($"My friends are named {Friend1}, {Friend2} and {Friend3}");

        Console.WriteLine($"{Friend1}{Genetive_Friend1} name has {Friend1.Length} letters");
        Console.WriteLine($"{Friend2}{Genetive_Friend2} name has {Friend2.Length} letters");
        Console.WriteLine($"{Friend3}{Genetive_Friend3} name has {Friend3.Length} letters");

        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
            Console.WriteLine($"{Friend + i}{Genetive_Friend + i} name has {(Friend + i).Length} letters");


我必须有一种更聪明的方法来确保对每个名称应用正确的语法,我觉得我可以利用阅读 Friend 字符串的最后一个字符,但我如何在 Console.WriteLine 在'和'之间选择?

我希望 for 循环打印与三个单独的 Console.WriteLine 行相同的内容。

这也是我第一次在 Whosebug 上提问,请告诉我我是否违反了一些关于如何格式化问题的不成文规则。

这里有几个问题,首先要遍历所有参数,你应该创建一个数组(或列表或任何扩展 IEnumerable 的东西) 然后你可以迭代它。


static void Main( string[] args )

    string[] friends = new string[] { "Kennedy", "James", "Ngolo Kante" };
    Console.WriteLine($"My friends are named {JoinEndingWithAnd(friends)}");
    for ( int i = 1; i < friends.Length; i++ )
        Console.WriteLine( $"{MakeGenitive(friends[i])} name has {friends[i].Length} letters" );

static string JoinEndingWithAnd(string[] friends)
    string result = friends[0];

    for ( int i = 1; i < friends.Length; i++ )
        if ( i != friends.Length  - 1)
            result += $" , {friends[i]}";
            result += $" and {friends[i]}";

    return result;

static string MakeGenitive(string friend)
    char lastLetter = friend[^1];
    if( lastLetter == 's' )
        return friend + "'";
    return friend + "'s";