我正在 python 编写游戏代码,但卡住了

I'm coding a game in python but ı stuck

骰子游戏规则:如果骰子为1,则打开另一位玩家“电脑” 如果不是,我现在可以再次投掷以获得积分。骰子会给予多少。它增加了我的分数,但如果有 1 个,我不能接受这些分数。我应该在 1 来之前停下来。 我说是,(这就够了):我赚了分,然后轮到电脑了。 İf 1 来了,我没有积分,转牌也是在电脑上。 对于赢,我们中的一个人必须达到 100 点。(99 不是赢,但最后的骰子是 6 点,那将是 105- 仍然是赢)


from random import randint

run = True
point = 0

while run:
    inp = input("throw dice: ")
    if inp == "y":
        dice = randint(1, 7)
        if dice != 1:
            point = point + dice
            print(dice.__str__() + " came")
            print("your point is: " + point.__str__())
            #1e gelince
            run = False
            print("1 came, you cant continue. Your point was: " + point.__str__())
        #say false to end game
        run = False
        print("last point: " + point.__str__())


from random import randint

run = True
computerTurn = False
point = 0
computerPoint = 0

while run:
    if computerTurn:
        dice = randint(1, 7)

        if dice != 1:
            computerPoint += dice
            print(dice.__str__() + " came")
            print("computer point is: " + computerPoint.__str__())
            print("computer point is: " + computerPoint.__str__())
            print("1 came, your turn!!!")
            computerTurn = False
        inp = input("throw dice: ")
        if inp == "y":
            dice = randint(1, 7)
            if dice != 1:
                point = point + dice
                print(dice.__str__() + " came")
                print("your point is: " + point.__str__())
                print("your point is: " + point.__str__())
                print("1 came, computer turn!!!")
                computerTurn = True

            #say false to end game
            run = False
            print("last point: " + point.__str__())



例如,在下面的算法中,计算机将掷骰子直到达到 >= 20 的转折点分数,然后玩家开始转弯。

为计算机掷骰子添加轻微的延迟也是一个好主意,这样您就可以直观地看到它的回合进度,而不是它立即在屏幕上闪烁,这可以通过 time.sleep() 来自时间库的函数。

from random import randint
import time

run = True
playerturn = True
turnpoints = 0
playerpoints = 0
computerpoints = 0

while run:
    if playerturn:
        inp = input("do you want to throw dice?: (y or n) ")
        if inp == "y":
            dice = randint(1, 7)
            if dice != 1:
                turnpoints = turnpoints + dice
                print(dice.__str__() + " came")
                print("your points for this turn are: " + turnpoints.__str__())
                if (playerpoints + turnpoints) >= 100:
                    playerpoints = playerpoints + turnpoints
                    print("You won the game with a point score of: " + playerpoints.__str__())
                print("1 came, you cant continue. Your earned no points this turn. Current Points: " + playerpoints.__str__())
                playerturn = False
                turnpoints = 0
            playerpoints = playerpoints + turnpoints
            print("You finished the turn. You turn is now over. Current Points: " + playerpoints.__str__())
            playerturn = False
            turnpoints = 0
    else: #computer's turn
        dice = randint(1, 7)
        if dice != 1:
            turnpoints = turnpoints + dice
            print(dice.__str__() + " came")
            print("computer points for this turn are: " + turnpoints.__str__())
            if (computerpoints + turnpoints) >= 100:
                computerpoints = computerpoints + turnpoints
                print("Computer won the game with a point score of: " + computerpoints.__str__())
            if turnpoints > 20:
                computerpoints = computerpoints + turnpoints
                print("Computers turn is now over. Current Points: " + computerpoints.__str__())
                playerturn = True
                turnpoints = 0
            playerturn = True
            print("1 came, Computer's turn is over. Computer earned no points this turn. Current Points: " + computerpoints.__str__())
            turnpoints = 0