将函数应用于 pandas 数据框的每一行 - 速度很快

Applying function to each row of pandas data frame - with speed


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tempDF = pd.DataFrame({'condition':[0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1],'x1':[1.2,-2.3,-2.1,2.4,-4.3,2.1,-3.4,-4.1,3.2,-3.3],'y1':[6.5,-7.6,-3.4,-5.3,7.6,5.2,-4.1,-3.3,-5.7,5.3],'decision':[np.nan]*10})
print tempDF
   condition  decision   x1   y1
0          0       NaN  1.2  6.5
1          0       NaN -2.3 -7.6
2          0       NaN -2.1 -3.4
3          0       NaN  2.4 -5.3
4          0       NaN -4.3  7.6
5          1       NaN  2.1  5.2
6          1       NaN -3.4 -4.1
7          1       NaN -4.1 -3.3
8          1       NaN  3.2 -5.7
9          1       NaN -3.3  5.3

在每一行中,如果 'condition' 列等于零并且 'x1' 和 'y1' 都是零,我想将 'decision' 列的值更改为零相同的符号(正数或负数)- 就此脚本而言,零被视为正数。如果 'x1' 和 'y1' 的符号不同,或者 'condition' 列等于 1(不管 'x1' 和 'y1' 的符号如何),则 'decision' 列应该等于 1。我希望我已经解释清楚了。


for i in range(len(tempDF)):
    if (tempDF.ix[i,'condition'] == 0 and ((tempDF.ix[i,'x1'] >= 0) and (tempDF.ix[i,'y1'] >=0)) or ((tempDF.ix[i,'x1'] < 0) and (tempDF.ix[i,'y1'] < 0))):
        tempDF.ix[i,'decision'] = 0
        tempDF.ix[i,'decision'] = 1

print tempDF
           condition  decision   x1   y1
        0          0         0  1.2  6.5
        1          0         0 -2.3 -7.6
        2          0         0 -2.1 -3.4
        3          0         1  2.4 -5.3
        4          0         1 -4.3  7.6
        5          1         1  2.1  5.2
        6          1         1 -3.4 -4.1
        7          1         1 -4.1 -3.3
        8          1         1  3.2 -5.7
        9          1         1 -3.3  5.3


首先,使用 np.sign 和比较运算符创建一个布尔数组,该数组为 True,其中决策应为 1:

decision = df["condition"] | (np.sign(df["x1"]) != np.sign(df["y1"]))



df["decision"] = decision.astype(int)


>>> df
   condition  decision   x1   y1
0          0         0  1.2  6.5
1          0         0 -2.3 -7.6
2          0         0 -2.1 -3.4
3          0         1  2.4 -5.3
4          0         1 -4.3  7.6
5          1         1  2.1  5.2
6          1         1 -3.4 -4.1
7          1         1 -4.1 -3.3
8          1         1  3.2 -5.7
9          1         1 -3.3  5.3