将自定义函数添加到 Laravel 查询构建器
Add custom function to Laravel query builder
我正在尝试将 USE INDEX()
添加到 Laravel 中的查询构建器。我尝试按照与 link 类似的步骤进行操作并且有点成功,但我无法管理最后一点,我不确定我的临时代码是否创建了一个巨大的后门。
这里有一个选项 useIndex
我还做了什么:在 App/Override
中创建了一个名为 Connection
的 class
namespace App\Override;
class Connection extends \Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {
public function query() {
return new QueryBuilder(
在 App/Providers 中创建了一个名为 CustomDatabaseServiceProvider
的服务提供商。这里我只是操作了 registerConnectionServices
函数。我进一步评论 Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider::class,
并在配置目录中将 App\Providers\CustomDatabaseServiceProvider::class,
添加到 app.php
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Override\Connection;
use Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\EntityResolver;
use Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory as EloquentFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\QueueEntityResolver;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class CustomDatabaseServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* The array of resolved Faker instances.
* @var array
protected static $fakers = [];
* Bootstrap the application events.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Register the service provider.
* @return void
public function register()
* Register the primary database bindings.
* @return void
protected function registerConnectionServices()
// The connection factory is used to create the actual connection instances on
// the database. We will inject the factory into the manager so that it may
// make the connections while they are actually needed and not of before.
$this->app->singleton('db.factory', function ($app) {
return new ConnectionFactory($app);
// The database manager is used to resolve various connections, since multiple
// connections might be managed. It also implements the connection resolver
// interface which may be used by other components requiring connections.
$this->app->singleton('db', function ($app) {
$dbm = new DatabaseManager($app, $app['db.factory']);
//Extend to include the custom connection (MySql in this example)
$dbm->extend('mysql', function ($config, $name) use ($app) {
//Create default connection from factory
$connection = $app['db.factory']->make($config, $name);
//Instantiate our connection with the default connection data
$new_connection = new Connection(
//Set the appropriate grammar object
// $new_connection->setQueryGrammar(new Grammar());
// $new_connection->setSchemaGrammar(new Schema\());
return $new_connection;
return $dbm;
$this->app->bind('db.connection', function ($app) {
return $app['db']->connection();
* Register the Eloquent factory instance in the container.
* @return void
protected function registerEloquentFactory()
$this->app->singleton(FakerGenerator::class, function ($app, $parameters) {
$locale = $parameters['locale'] ?? $app['config']->get('app.faker_locale', 'en_US');
if (!isset(static::$fakers[$locale])) {
static::$fakers[$locale] = FakerFactory::create($locale);
return static::$fakers[$locale];
$this->app->singleton(EloquentFactory::class, function ($app) {
return EloquentFactory::construct(
$app->make(FakerGenerator::class), $this->app->databasePath('factories')
* Register the queueable entity resolver implementation.
* @return void
protected function registerQueueableEntityResolver()
$this->app->singleton(EntityResolver::class, function () {
return new QueueEntityResolver;
并最终在 App/Override 中创建了一个名为 QueryBuilder
的 class。这是有问题的 class:
namespace App\Override;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
class QueryBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
private $Index = [];
public function useIndex($index = null)
$this->Index = $index;
return $this;
public function get($columns = ['*'])
if ($this->Index) {
//Get the raw query string with the PDO bindings
$sql_str = str_replace('from `' . $this->from . '`', 'from `' . $this->from . '` USE INDEX (`' . $this->Index . '`) ', $this->toSql());
$sql_str = vsprintf($sql_str, $this->getBindings());
return parent::get($sql_str);
} else {
//Return default
return parent::get($columns);
- 输出不包含USE INDEX
- 使用str_replace操作查询是否安全?
function ($table, $index) {
$table = $this->grammar->wrapTable($table);
$index = $this->grammar->wrap($index);
return $this->fromRaw("$table USE INDEX ($index)");
DB::tableWithIndex('users', 'users');
在宏 $this
请注意,我将它们合二为一,因为您可能会对同一个查询进行多次 from
我正在尝试将 USE INDEX()
添加到 Laravel 中的查询构建器。我尝试按照与 link 类似的步骤进行操作并且有点成功,但我无法管理最后一点,我不确定我的临时代码是否创建了一个巨大的后门。
这里有一个选项 useIndex
我还做了什么:在 App/Override
的 class
namespace App\Override;
class Connection extends \Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {
public function query() {
return new QueryBuilder(
在 App/Providers 中创建了一个名为 CustomDatabaseServiceProvider
的服务提供商。这里我只是操作了 registerConnectionServices
函数。我进一步评论 Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider::class,
并在配置目录中将 App\Providers\CustomDatabaseServiceProvider::class,
添加到 app.php
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Override\Connection;
use Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\EntityResolver;
use Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory as EloquentFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\QueueEntityResolver;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class CustomDatabaseServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* The array of resolved Faker instances.
* @var array
protected static $fakers = [];
* Bootstrap the application events.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Register the service provider.
* @return void
public function register()
* Register the primary database bindings.
* @return void
protected function registerConnectionServices()
// The connection factory is used to create the actual connection instances on
// the database. We will inject the factory into the manager so that it may
// make the connections while they are actually needed and not of before.
$this->app->singleton('db.factory', function ($app) {
return new ConnectionFactory($app);
// The database manager is used to resolve various connections, since multiple
// connections might be managed. It also implements the connection resolver
// interface which may be used by other components requiring connections.
$this->app->singleton('db', function ($app) {
$dbm = new DatabaseManager($app, $app['db.factory']);
//Extend to include the custom connection (MySql in this example)
$dbm->extend('mysql', function ($config, $name) use ($app) {
//Create default connection from factory
$connection = $app['db.factory']->make($config, $name);
//Instantiate our connection with the default connection data
$new_connection = new Connection(
//Set the appropriate grammar object
// $new_connection->setQueryGrammar(new Grammar());
// $new_connection->setSchemaGrammar(new Schema\());
return $new_connection;
return $dbm;
$this->app->bind('db.connection', function ($app) {
return $app['db']->connection();
* Register the Eloquent factory instance in the container.
* @return void
protected function registerEloquentFactory()
$this->app->singleton(FakerGenerator::class, function ($app, $parameters) {
$locale = $parameters['locale'] ?? $app['config']->get('app.faker_locale', 'en_US');
if (!isset(static::$fakers[$locale])) {
static::$fakers[$locale] = FakerFactory::create($locale);
return static::$fakers[$locale];
$this->app->singleton(EloquentFactory::class, function ($app) {
return EloquentFactory::construct(
$app->make(FakerGenerator::class), $this->app->databasePath('factories')
* Register the queueable entity resolver implementation.
* @return void
protected function registerQueueableEntityResolver()
$this->app->singleton(EntityResolver::class, function () {
return new QueueEntityResolver;
并最终在 App/Override 中创建了一个名为 QueryBuilder
的 class。这是有问题的 class:
namespace App\Override;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
class QueryBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
private $Index = [];
public function useIndex($index = null)
$this->Index = $index;
return $this;
public function get($columns = ['*'])
if ($this->Index) {
//Get the raw query string with the PDO bindings
$sql_str = str_replace('from `' . $this->from . '`', 'from `' . $this->from . '` USE INDEX (`' . $this->Index . '`) ', $this->toSql());
$sql_str = vsprintf($sql_str, $this->getBindings());
return parent::get($sql_str);
} else {
//Return default
return parent::get($columns);
- 输出不包含USE INDEX
- 使用str_replace操作查询是否安全?
function ($table, $index) {
$table = $this->grammar->wrapTable($table);
$index = $this->grammar->wrap($index);
return $this->fromRaw("$table USE INDEX ($index)");
DB::tableWithIndex('users', 'users');
在宏 $this
请注意,我将它们合二为一,因为您可能会对同一个查询进行多次 from