在试用期间无法与 Laravel Cashier Paddle 交换计划

Unable to swap plans during trial with Laravel Cashier Paddle

根据 Cashier docs 的说法,您应该可以在试用期间更换 Paddle 计划,而且试用本身应该得到维护:

To update the subscription plan for a user, you should pass the Paddle plan's identifier to the subscription's swap method (...) If the user is on a trial, the trial period will be maintained.

但是,当我使用 swap 方法时:


我收到一个错误:LogicException:试用期间无法交换计划。 (\vendor\laravel\cashier-paddle\src\Subscription.php:767)


事实证明这是文档本身的错误,因为 Paddle API 在试用期间不提供交换订阅。

Subscribers cannot be moved to a different plan while on a trialing state.

GutHub issue 已关闭。