登录名、电子邮件和密码验证无法与 SQL 表 Vb 一起正常工作

Login, Email and Password Validation not working correctly with SQL tables Vb

我一直在尝试做的是从我的 sql table 获取用户名、密码和电子邮件,并通过我在 vb.net 上的登录表单对其进行验证。因此,当我在表单中输入用户名、密码和电子邮件时,它 应该 告诉我登录是否成功。但是,每当我从 sql table 我创建的 (MembershipInfo) 输入用户名、密码和电子邮件到我的登录表单时,我总是收到错误消息“用户名、密码或电子邮件不正确,请尝试再次”,即使我知道用户名、密码和电子邮件是正确的(目前正在查看)。我在 youtube 上尝试了多个视频,甚至在这里和其他网站上尝试了一些解决方案,但没有任何效果。有人可以告诉我我做错了什么吗?这是我的 vb 代码:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class WebForm1
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

  Public Shared conS As String = "Server= ; Database=Yourdatabase ;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"

    Public Shared con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(conS)

    Protected Sub TextBox8_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox8.TextChanged

    End Sub

    Protected Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click

        Dim un, pw, em, dbUN, dbPW, dbEM As String

        un = TextBox7.Text
        pw = TextBox8.Text
        em = TextBox9.Text

        Dim cmdUN As New SqlCommand("Select UserName from MembershipInfo Where Username = @p1", con)

        With cmdUN.Parameters
            .AddWithValue("@p1", un)
        End With

        Dim cmdPW As New SqlCommand("Select Pass from MembershipInfo Where UserName = @p1", con)

        With cmdPW.Parameters
            .AddWithValue("@p1", un)
        End With

        Dim cmdEM As New SqlCommand("Select Email from MembershipInfo where UserName = @p1", con)

        With cmdEM.Parameters
            .AddWithValue("@p1", un)
        End With

            If con.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then con.Open()
            dbUN = cmdUN.ExecuteScalar
            dbPW = cmdPW.ExecuteScalar
            dbEM = cmdEM.ExecuteScalar
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

        If un = dbUN And pw = dbPW And em = dbEM Then
            MsgBox("Login Sucessful", vbExclamation, "Welcome")
            MsgBox("Username, Password or Email does not match, please try again", vbExclamation, "Error")
        End If

    End Sub
End Class

这是我的 sql 代码(我不知道是否需要,但最好谨慎):

Create Table MembershipInfo

MembershipID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY Identity(1,1),

Firstname varchar(50) not null,

Lastname varchar(50) not null,

UserName char(50) not null,

Pass char(50) not null,

Email char(50) not null



('Jaycie', 'Adams', 'Imtotiredforthis', 'Golden1@1', 'JAdams2@gmail.com'),

('Bret', 'Steidinger', 'HellowWord', 'Wowwzaa12@', 'Reynolds13@gmail.com'),

('Rebecca', 'Wong', 'SomethingSomething1@1', 'Outofideas11', 'ReWong34@gmail.com'),

('Ciel', 'Phantomhive', 'DownwiththeQeen1@1', 'FellintomytrapWaha22@', 'CielPhantom22@gmail.com'),

('Jane', 'Borden', 'TiredTM4@1', 'Justtakemypasswordalready@3', 'JBorden56@gmail.com');

Select * from MembershipInfo;

不要在使用它们的方法之外声明 Connections。对于公开 Dispose 方法的任何数据库对象都是如此。


Create Table 中的这些行将需要固定长度的字符串。根本不是你想要的。坚持 varcharnvarchar.

UserName char(50) not null,
Pass char(50) not null,
Email char(50) not null


Using 块处理关闭和处置对象,即使出现错误也是如此。

为 Sql 服务器使用 Parameters 集合的 Add 方法。 http://www.dbdelta.com/addwithvalue-is-evil/https://blogs.msmvps.com/jcoehoorn/blog/2014/05/12/can-we-stop-using-addwithvalue-already/ 还有一个: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/195937/addwithvalue-performance-and-plan-cache-implications 这是另一个 https://andrevdm.blogspot.com/2010/12/parameterised-queriesdont-use.html


Protected Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
    If IsLoginValid(txtEmail.Text, txtPassword.Text) Then
        MsgBox("Login Sucessful", vbExclamation, "Welcome")
        MsgBox("Username, Password or Email does not match, please try again", vbExclamation, "Error")
    End If
End Sub

Private Function IsLoginValid(email As String, pword As String) As Boolean
    Dim RetVal As Integer
    Using cn As New SqlConnection(conS),
            cmd As New SqlCommand("Select Count(*) From MembershipInfo Where Email = @Name And Pass = @Pass")
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = email
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Pass", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = pword
        RetVal = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar)
    End Using
    If RetVal = 1 Then
        Return True
    End If
    Return False
End Function
