如何将鼠标坐标转换为 TransformedBitmap 的像素坐标?

How do I convert from mouse coordinates to pixel coordinates of a TransformedBitmap?

我的问题类似于 ,需要注意的是图像可能是 TransformedBitmap,其中可以应用翻转和旋转,但仍然 return 像素坐标原始图像。

我的 Window 的设计是这样的:

        <Label DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Name="TheLabel" />
        <Image DockPanel.Dock="Top" Name="TheImage" Stretch="Uniform" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="NearestNeighbor" MouseMove="TheImage_MouseMove" />


        public MainWindow()

            const int WIDTH = 4;
            const int HEIGHT = 3;
            byte[] pixels = new byte[WIDTH * HEIGHT * 3];
            pixels[0] = Colors.Red.B;
            pixels[1] = Colors.Red.G;
            pixels[2] = Colors.Red.R;
            pixels[(WIDTH * (HEIGHT - 1) + (WIDTH - 1)) * 3 + 0] = Colors.Blue.B;
            pixels[(WIDTH * (HEIGHT - 1) + (WIDTH - 1)) * 3 + 1] = Colors.Blue.G;
            pixels[(WIDTH * (HEIGHT - 1) + (WIDTH - 1)) * 3 + 2] = Colors.Blue.R;
            BitmapSource bs = BitmapSource.Create(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null, pixels, WIDTH * 3);
            TheImage.Source = bs;

        private void TheImage_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Point p = e.GetPosition(TheImage);
            if (TheImage.Source is TransformedBitmap tb)
                TheLabel.Content = tb.Transform.Inverse.Transform(new Point(p.X * tb.PixelWidth / TheImage.ActualWidth, p.Y * tb.PixelHeight / TheImage.ActualHeight)).ToString();
            else if (TheImage.Source is BitmapSource bs)
                TheLabel.Content = new Point(p.X * bs.PixelWidth / TheImage.ActualWidth, p.Y * bs.PixelHeight / TheImage.ActualHeight).ToString();

当悬停在未转换图像的右下角(我将其涂成蓝色以便于跟踪)时,您会正确地看到 (~4, ~3) 的坐标,这是图像尺寸。

但是,一旦您应用了转换,例如将 TheImage.Source = bs; 更改为 TheImage.Source = new TransformedBitmap(bs, new RotateTransform(90.0));,将鼠标悬停在蓝色上方则会给出 (~4, ~0).


当 Image 元素呈现 TransformedBitmap 时,实际上会忽略 Transform 的中心点,并将位图移动到适当的坐标范围内。


var p = e.GetPosition(TheImage);

if (TheImage.Source is BitmapSource bs)
    p = new Point(
        p.X * bs.PixelWidth / TheImage.ActualWidth,
        p.Y * bs.PixelHeight / TheImage.ActualHeight);

    if (TheImage.Source is TransformedBitmap tb)
        var w = tb.Source.PixelWidth;
        var h = tb.Source.PixelHeight;

        p = tb.Transform.Inverse.Transform(p);

        p = new Point((p.X + w) % w, (p.Y + h) % h);

    TheLabel.Content = $"x: {(int)p.X}, y: {(int)p.Y}";

但是,当转换中心设置为 (0,0) 以外的值时,上述代码将无法正常工作。


var p = e.GetPosition(TheImage);

if (TheImage.Source is BitmapSource bs)
    p = new Point(
        p.X * bs.PixelWidth / TheImage.ActualWidth,
        p.Y * bs.PixelHeight / TheImage.ActualHeight);

    if (TheImage.Source is TransformedBitmap tb)
        var w = tb.Source.PixelWidth;
        var h = tb.Source.PixelHeight;
        var t = tb.Transform.Value;
        t.OffsetX = 0d;
        t.OffsetY = 0d;

        p = t.Transform(p);

        p = new Point((p.X + w) % w, (p.Y + h) % h);

    TheLabel.Content = $"x: {(int)p.X}, y: {(int)p.Y}";