将位置数据馈送到 Esri 地图并在 Esri 地图上将位置显示为精确点

Feed location data to the Esri Map and display locations on Esri Map as pinpoints

我想将美国某些州的一些位置数据(纬度、经度等)传递给 ArcGIS Esri 地图,并在 Esri 地图中将这些位置显示为精确点(如 Google地图)。目前,我的 Angular 代码如下,我找不到任何 ArcGIS 文档 关于向 Esri 地图提供数据。



<!-- Map Div -->
<div #mapViewNode></div>


// The <div> where the map is loaded
 public featureLayerUrl = environment.parcelAtlasUrl;
 public webMapId = environment.webMapId;
 @ViewChild('mapViewNode', { static: true }) private mapViewEl: ElementRef;

ngOnInit(): void {

  res => {
    this.esriToken = res.token;
  error =>{

  () => {

// Initialize MapView and return an instance of MapView
initializeMap(esriToken) {
const container = this.mapViewEl.nativeElement;
config.apiKey = esriToken;

//load the webMap
const webmap = new WebMap({
      portalItem: {
        id: this.webMapId

//load the ParcelAtlas feature layer
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
    url: this.featureLayerUrl,

const view = new MapView({
  map: webmap
this.view = view;
return this.view.when();

您可以通过多种方式将数据添加到地图中。您可以使用 FeatureLayerGraphicLayer,甚至可以将其添加到视图图形集合中。

我建议您在我为您制作的这个示例中使用 FeatureLayer。虽然它没有使用 Angular,但您可以轻松地将其转换为您的代码。要在客户端上使用 FeatureLayer 数据,您需要:

  • source 属性 设置为 Graphic 的集合,在示例中我使用 Object 的数组(它自动转换为预期),
  • 设置geometryType,本例为point
  • objectIDField.

我假设你一开始就有数据,如果你在运行应用的时候需要add/update/delete数据,你可以使用applyEdits的方法[=11] =].

ArcGIS JS API - FeatureLayer



    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
    <title>Pinpoint Example</title>
        #viewDiv {
            padding: 0;
            margin: 0;
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/4.21/esri/css/main.css">
    <script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.21/"></script>

        ], function (Map, MapView, FeatureLayer, CustomContent) {

            const data = [
                    lat: 32.727482,
                    lon: -117.1560632,
                    name: "Automotive Museum",
                    addrs: "2080 Pan American Plaza, San Diego, CA 92101, United States",
                    url: "http://sdautomuseum.org/"
                    lat: 32.7136902,
                    lon: -117.1763293,
                    name: "USS Midway Museum",
                    addrs: "910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101, United States",
                    url: "http://www.midway.org/"
                    lat: 32.7641112,
                    lon: -117.2284536,
                    name: "SeaWorld",
                    addrs: "500 Sea World Dr, San Diego, CA 92109, United States",
                    url: "https://seaworld.com/san-diego"
                    lat: 32.7360032,
                    lon: -117.1557741,
                    name: "Zoo",
                    addrs: "2920 Zoo Dr, San Diego, CA 92101, United States",
                    url: "https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/"

            const map = new Map({
                basemap: "streets-navigation-vector"

            const view = new MapView({
                container: "viewDiv",
                map: map,
                zoom: 12,
                center: {
                    latitude: 32.7353,
                    longitude: -117.1490

            const layer = new FeatureLayer({
                source: data.map((d, i) => (
                        geometry: {
                            type: "point",
                            longitude: d.lon,
                            latitude: d.lat
                        attributes: {
                            ObjectID: i,
                fields: [
                        name: "ObjectID",
                        alias: "ObjectID",
                        type: "oid"
                        name: "name",
                        alias: "Name",
                        type: "string"
                        name: "addrs",
                        alias: "addrs",
                        type: "string"
                        name: "url",
                        alias: "url",
                        type: "string"
                        name: "lat",
                        alias: "Latitude",
                        type: "double"
                        name: "lon",
                        alias: "Longitude",
                        type: "double"
                objectIDField: ["ObjectID"],
                geometryType: "point",
                renderer: {
                    type: "simple",
                    symbol: {
                        type: "text",
                        color: "red",
                        text: "\ue61d",
                        font: {
                            size: 30,
                            family: "CalciteWebCoreIcons"
                popupTemplate: {
                    title: "{name}",
                    content: [
                            type: "fields",
                            fieldInfos: [
                                    fieldName: "addrs",
                                    label: "Address"
                                    fieldName: "lat",
                                    label: "Latitude",
                                    format: {
                                        places: 2
                                    fieldName: "lon",
                                    label: "Longitude",
                                    format: {
                                        places: 2
                        new CustomContent({
                            outFields: ["*"],
                            creator: (event) => {
                                const a = document.createElement("a");
                                a.href = event.graphic.attributes.url;
                                a.target = "_blank";
                                a.innerText = event.graphic.attributes.url;
                                return a;
                    outFields: ["*"]



    <div id="viewDiv"></div>
