张量连接输出到输入以提供新的 lstm 层
tensor concat output to input to feed new lstm layer
Concatenate(axis=2)([tensor_input2, out_first_try])
*** ValueError: A `Concatenate` layer requires inputs with matching
shapes except for the concat axis. Got inputs shapes: [(64, 10, 8), [(),
(), ()]]
我也试试 :
tf.concat([tensor_input2, out_first_try], 2)
tf.concat([tensor_input2, out_first_try], 2)
*** ValueError: Shape must be rank 3 but is rank 1 for '{{node
tf.concat/concat}} = ConcatV2[N=2, T=DT_FLOAT, Tidx=DT_INT32]
(Placeholder, tf.concat/concat/values_1, tf.concat/concat/axis)' with
input shapes: [64,10,8], [3], [].
# tensor_input1 = [64,365,9]
tensor_input1 = Input(batch_size=batch, shape=(X.shape[1],
X.shape[2]), name='input1')
# tensor_input2 = [64,10,8]
tensor_input2 = Input(batch_size=batch, shape=(X2.shape[1],
X2.shape[2]), name='input2')
extractor = CuDNNLSTM(100, return_sequences=False,
stateful=False, name='LSTM1')(tensor_input2)
extractor = Dropout(rate = .2)(extractor)
extractor = Dense(100, activation='softsign')(extractor)
out_1 = Dense(10, activation='linear')(extractor2)
# add a dimension to out_1 [64,10] to fit tensor_input2
out_first_try = tf.expand_dims(out_1, axis=2).shape.as_list()
# concat in 3d dim the output to the original input
# tensor_input2 =[64,10,8]
# out_first_try, after tf.expend [64,10,1]
forcast_input = Concatenate(axis=2)([tensor_input2,
# forcast_input expected size [64,10,9]
# finaly concat tensor_input1, new tensor_input2 side to side
allin_input = Concatenate(axis=1)([tensor_input1, forcast_input])
# allin_input expected size [64,365+10,9]
extractor2 = CuDNNLSTM(100, return_sequences=False,
stateful=False, name='LSTM1')(allin_input )
out_first_try = tf.expand_dims(out_1, axis=2)
forcast_input = Concatenate(axis=2)([tensor_input2, out_first_try])
请注意,我已删除 shape.as_list()
,因为顾名思义,它 returns 将张量的形状作为列表。你可以用这个例子来验证:
import tensorflow as tf
out_1 = tf.random.normal((5, 10))
out_first_try = tf.expand_dims(out_1, axis=2).shape.as_list()
#<class 'list'>
我尝试重塑和连接一些输出以完成原始输入并在我的模型的下一阶段使用它。 尺寸似乎匹配,但出现此错误:
Concatenate(axis=2)([tensor_input2, out_first_try])
*** ValueError: A `Concatenate` layer requires inputs with matching
shapes except for the concat axis. Got inputs shapes: [(64, 10, 8), [(),
(), ()]]
我也试试 :
tf.concat([tensor_input2, out_first_try], 2)
tf.concat([tensor_input2, out_first_try], 2)
*** ValueError: Shape must be rank 3 but is rank 1 for '{{node
tf.concat/concat}} = ConcatV2[N=2, T=DT_FLOAT, Tidx=DT_INT32]
(Placeholder, tf.concat/concat/values_1, tf.concat/concat/axis)' with
input shapes: [64,10,8], [3], [].
# tensor_input1 = [64,365,9]
tensor_input1 = Input(batch_size=batch, shape=(X.shape[1],
X.shape[2]), name='input1')
# tensor_input2 = [64,10,8]
tensor_input2 = Input(batch_size=batch, shape=(X2.shape[1],
X2.shape[2]), name='input2')
extractor = CuDNNLSTM(100, return_sequences=False,
stateful=False, name='LSTM1')(tensor_input2)
extractor = Dropout(rate = .2)(extractor)
extractor = Dense(100, activation='softsign')(extractor)
out_1 = Dense(10, activation='linear')(extractor2)
# add a dimension to out_1 [64,10] to fit tensor_input2
out_first_try = tf.expand_dims(out_1, axis=2).shape.as_list()
# concat in 3d dim the output to the original input
# tensor_input2 =[64,10,8]
# out_first_try, after tf.expend [64,10,1]
forcast_input = Concatenate(axis=2)([tensor_input2,
# forcast_input expected size [64,10,9]
# finaly concat tensor_input1, new tensor_input2 side to side
allin_input = Concatenate(axis=1)([tensor_input1, forcast_input])
# allin_input expected size [64,365+10,9]
extractor2 = CuDNNLSTM(100, return_sequences=False,
stateful=False, name='LSTM1')(allin_input )
out_first_try = tf.expand_dims(out_1, axis=2)
forcast_input = Concatenate(axis=2)([tensor_input2, out_first_try])
请注意,我已删除 shape.as_list()
,因为顾名思义,它 returns 将张量的形状作为列表。你可以用这个例子来验证:
import tensorflow as tf
out_1 = tf.random.normal((5, 10))
out_first_try = tf.expand_dims(out_1, axis=2).shape.as_list()
#<class 'list'>