如何使用 TypeScript 正确键入检查允许部分子树的嵌套记录?

How to properly type check nested records allowing partial subtrees with TypeScript?

interface Data 定义嵌套数据的模式。
function check 应验证此 Data 结构的给定部分子树是否正常,如果不正常则抛出编译时错误(希望有或多或少详细且易于理解的错误消息,而不仅仅是“......不能分配给类型“从不”)。

interface Data {
  namespace1: {
    keyA: string,
    keyB: string

  namespace2: {
    keyC: string,
    keyD: string

// This function's only purpose is to perform a compile-time check
// whether the given partial data is valid.
// Returns the first and only argument in case of success,
// otherwise a compile-time error will occur.
function check<??>(
  partialData: ????
): ?????? {
  return partialData

// Example 1 => okay
const validPartialData1 = check({
  namespace1: {
    keyB: 'b'

// Example 2 => okay
const validPartialData2 = check({
  namespace1: {
    keyB: 'b'

  namespace2: {
    keyC: 'c'

// Example 3 => okay
const validPartialData3 = check({})

// Example 4 => compile-time error!
const invalidPartialData1 = check({
  namespace1: {
    keyC: 'c'

// Example 5 => compile-time error!
const invalidPartialData2 = check({
  xyz: {
    keyA: 'a'

您不需要 check 函数。直接使用可选字段。

interface Data {
  namespace1?: {
    keyA?: string,
    keyB?: string

  namespace2?: {
    keyC?: string,
    keyD?: string

const validPartialData1:Data = {
  namespace1: {
    keyB: 'b'


如果您不想更改 Data 类型。您可以定义另一个 PartialData

type NestPartial<T> = {
    [P in keyof T]?: NestPartial<T[P]>;
type PartialData = NestPartial<Data>

const validPartialData1: PartialData = {
    namespace1: {
        keyB: 'b'
