我错过了 ggplot 中的第二行,应该有测试线和火车线吗?

I'm missing the second line in a ggplot, there should be test and train lines present?

我正在尝试使用 ggplot2 和 R 绘制神经网络迭代错误率的训练和测试曲线。应该有两条线,但我只看到测试线,有人知道发生了什么吗?看起来当我使用 head(error_df) 时,由于某种原因,每种类型都被标记为测试。

编辑: 即使只有 error_df 而没有任何子集,它仍然没有显示训练集错误的行,这也包括各种范围,例如 error_df[2500:5000, 7500:10000,]

这是 ggplot 图:

这是代码和 this is a link 到 public google 数据电子表格:


setwd("**set working directory**")
data <- read.csv("WDBC.csv", header=T)
data <- data[,1:4]
data <- scale(data)  # normalizes the data

numHneurons3 = 3
DecTargets = decodeClassLabels(data[,4])
train.test3 <- splitForTrainingAndTest(data, DecTargets,ratio = 0.50) # split

model3_02 <- mlp(train.test3$inputsTrain, train.test3$targetsTrain,  # build model3
                 size = numHneurons3, learnFuncParams = c(0.02),maxit = 10000, 
                 inputsTest = train.test3$inputsTest, 
                 targetsTest = train.test3$targetsTest)

#     GGPlots of the Iterative Error:


test_error <- model3_02$IterativeTestError
train_error <- model3_02$IterativeFitError

error_df <- data.frame(iter = c(seq_along(test_error),
                       Error = c(test_error, train_error), 
                       type = c(rep("test", length(test_error)),
                                rep("train", length(train_error))

ggplot(error_df[5000:10000,], aes(iter, Error, color = type, each = length(test_error))) + geom_line()


> head(data, 10)
       PatientID     radius    texture   perimeter
 [1,] -0.2361973  1.0960995 -2.0715123  1.26881726
 [2,] -0.2361956  1.8282120 -0.3533215  1.68447255
 [3,]  0.4313615  1.5784992  0.4557859  1.56512598
 [4,]  0.4317407 -0.7682333  0.2535091 -0.59216612
 [5,]  0.4318215  1.7487579 -1.1508038  1.77501133
 [6,] -0.2361855 -0.4759559 -0.8346009 -0.38680772
 [7,] -0.2361809  1.1698783  0.1605082  1.13712450
 [8,]  0.4326197 -0.1184126  0.3581350 -0.07280278
 [9,] -0.2361759 -0.3198854  0.5883121 -0.18391855
[10,]  0.4329621 -0.4731182  1.1044669 -0.32919213

> str(model3_02)
List of 17
 $ nInputs              : int 4
 $ maxit                : num 10000
 $ IterativeFitError    : num [1:10000] 18838 4468 2365 1639 1278 ...
 $ IterativeTestError   : num [1:10000] 7031 3006 1916 1431 1161 ...
 $ fitted.values        : num [1:284, 1:522] 0.00386 0.00386 0.00387 0.00387 0.00386 ...
 $ fittedTestValues     : num [1:285, 1:522] 0.00387 0.00387 0.00387 0.00387 0.00387 ...
 $ nOutputs             : int 522
 - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "mlp" "rsnns"

> head(error_df)  
  iter     Error type
1    1 7031.3101 test
2    2 3006.4253 test
3    3 1915.8997 test
4    4 1430.6152 test
5    5 1160.6987 test
6    6  990.2686 test

您通过将两个变量连接成一列创建了一个三列数据框 (error_df),因此变量一个接一个地填充。但是,您将绘图限制为数据的第 5000 行到第 10000 行。

ggplot(error_df[c(5000:10000, 15000:20000),], aes(iter, Error, color = type, each = length(test_error))) + geom_line()
