在 ESRI 地图中显示弹出窗口 window 时出现问题

Issue when displaying a Popup window in the ESRI Map

目前,在我将位置详细信息(纬度、经度等)传递给 Esri 地图后,我的 Esri 地图将 Esri 地图上的位置显示为精确点。

所以,现在我想要的是当用户点击一个特定的精确点时,我想显示一个弹出模板并显示一个包含其地址、经度、纬度等的 table。 我想动态遍历我已经拥有的位置 objects 数组 (locationData) 并设置 popupTemplate 标题、内容、 feildInfo、fieldName 等


const popUpTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
title: '',
content: locationData.map((d,i)=>(
    fieldInfos: [
          fieldName: d.address,
          label: "Address"
          fieldName: d.latitude,
          label: "Latitude",
          format: {
              places: 2
          fieldName: d.longitude,
          label: "Longitude",
          format: {
              places: 2
  new CustomContent({
    outFields: ["*"],
    creator: (event) => {
        const a = document.createElement("a");
        // a.href = event.graphic.attributes.url;
        a.target = "_blank";
        // a.innerText = event.graphic.attributes.url;
        return a;

const dataFeedLayer = new FeatureLayer({
 source: horizonData.map((d,i)=>(
      geometry: new Point({
        longitude: d.longitude,
        latitude: d.latitude
      attributes: {
        ObjectID: i,
fields: [
      name: "ObjectID",
      alias: "ObjectID",
      type: "oid"
      name: "name",
      alias: "Name",
      type: "string"
      name: "addrs",
      alias: "addrs",
      type: "string"
      name: "url",
      alias: "url",
      type: "string"
      name: "lat",
      alias: "Latitude",
      type: "double"
      name: "lon",
      alias: "Longitude",
      type: "double"
 objectIdField: 'ObjectID',
 geometryType: "point",
 renderer: renderer,
 popupTemplate: popUpTemplate,


[esri.core.Accessor] Accessor#set Invalid property value, value needs to be one of 'esri.popup.content.MediaContent', 'esri.popup.content.CustomContent', 'esri.popup.content.TextContent', 'esri.popup.content.AttachmentsContent', 'esri.popup.content.FieldsContent', or a plain object that can autocast (having .type = 'media', 'custom', 'text', 'attachments', 'fields')




  • 字段内容,生成一个字段:值 table,您可以在其中设置显示哪些字段以及如何使用FieldInfo;这里的关键是 fieldName 属性 与您在 FeatureLayer,
  • 中设置的字段名称相关
    type: "fields",
    fieldInfos: [
            fieldName: "addrs",
            label: "Address"
            fieldName: "lat",
            label: "Latitude",
            format: {
                places: 2
            fieldName: "lon",
            label: "Longitude",
            format: {
                places: 2
  • 和自定义内容;在这种情况下,将 url 字段值表示为 html 锚点,
new CustomContent({
    outFields: ["*"],
    creator: (event) => {
        const a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = event.graphic.attributes.url;
        a.target = "_blank";
        a.innerText = event.graphic.attributes.url;
        return a;

现在,对于弹出窗口的标题,您可以使用固定文本或可变文本。变量选项将取决于要素属性的值。您可以使用大括号之间的字段名称执行此操作,例如:"{name}""Name: {name}""{name} is so amazing!!!".


const popUpTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
    title: "{name}",
    content: [
            type: "fields",
            fieldInfos: [
                    fieldName: "addrs",
                    label: "Address"
                    fieldName: "lat",
                    label: "Latitude",
                    format: {
                        places: 2
                    fieldName: "lon",
                    label: "Longitude",
                    format: {
                        places: 2
        new CustomContent({
            outFields: ["*"],
            creator: (event) => {
                const a = document.createElement("a");
                a.href = event.graphic.attributes.url;
                a.target = "_blank";
                a.innerText = event.graphic.attributes.url;
                return a;
    outFields: ["*"]

编辑@HarshaW 评论: 根据你提到的API docs,即creator函数的参数是Graphic类型,而不是{graphic:Graphic}。因此,要解决您的错误,请将 CustomContent 更改为

new CustomContent({
    outFields: ["*"],
    creator: (graphic) => {
        const a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = graphic.attributes.url;
        a.target = "_blank";
        a.innerText = graphic.attributes.url;
        return a;

现在,如果你检查这个 example (also from the documentation) or this answer,你会注意到它就像第一个解决方案。



new CustomContent({
    outFields: ["*"],
    creator: (eventOrGraphic) => {
        const graphic = eventOrGraphic instanceof Graphic ? eventOrGraphic : eventOrGraphic.graphic;
        const a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = graphic.attributes.url;
        a.target = "_blank";
        a.innerText = graphic.attributes.url;
        return a;