
Is there a reverse logical nullish assignment?

因此 ??= 运算符仅在当前存储的值为空值时才将值赋给变量。

也许我遗漏了显而易见的东西,但我想不出一个巧妙的解决方案(没有 if 语句)仅在 值不为空时才赋值?

我正在使用 nodeJS 来提供更多上下文


let x r??= 2;
// Updates 'x' to hold this new value
x r??= undefined;
// Has no effect, since the value to assign is nullish
console.log(x); // 2

编辑 为了更清楚地说明我的问题:


let iceCream = {
    flavor: 'chocolate'

const foo = 2.5
const bar = undefined;

iceCream.price r??= bar
// does not assign the new value because it is nullish
console.log(iceCream.price) // expected to be error, no such property

iceCream.price r??= foo
// assigns the new value because it is not nullish but a float
console.log(iceCream.price) // expected to be 2.5

iceCream.price r??= bar
// does not assign the new value because it is nullish
console.log(iceCream.price) // expected to still be 2.5


x = undefined ?? x;

您可以使用 logical AND assignment.

来自 MDN 网络文档:

let a = 1;
let b = 0;

a &&= 2;
// expected output: 2

b &&= 2;
// expected output: 0


我能想到的没有 if 的最简单的解决方案如下:

let iceCream = {
    flavor: 'chocolate'

const foo = 2.5
const bar = undefined;
bar && (iceCream.price = bar)
// Another possible solution if creating the property with a nullish value is ok for you:
iceCream.price = bar || iceCream.price;