CloudScheduler 中的 因 InvalidArgument 和 PermissionDenied 而失败 in CloudScheduler fails with InvalidArgument and PermissionDenied

我目前正在尝试从 golang 创建 CloudScheduler 作业。


当前代码如下所示,运行 来自 CloudRun。

const projectID = "hogehoge-project"
const locationID = "asia-northeast1"
const jobBaseUrl = ""

func StartToCheckRunnning(jobID string) error {
    ctx := context.Background()
    cloudschedulerService, err := cloudscheduler.NewCloudSchedulerClient(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("cloudscheduler.NewCloudSchedulerClient: %v", err)
        return fmt.Errorf("cloudscheduler.NewCloudSchedulerClient: %v", err)
    defer cloudschedulerService.Close()

    queuePath := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, locationID)

    req := &schedulerpb.CreateJobRequest{
        Parent: queuePath,
        Job: &schedulerpb.Job{
            Name:        jobID,
            Description: "managed by the system",
            Target: &schedulerpb.Job_HttpTarget{
                HttpTarget: &schedulerpb.HttpTarget{
                    Uri:        createJobUrl(jobBaseUrl, jobID),
                    HttpMethod: schedulerpb.HttpMethod_POST,
            Schedule: "* * * * *",
            TimeZone: "jst",
    resp, err := cloudschedulerService.CreateJob(ctx, req)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("cloudschedulerService.CreateJob: %v", err)
        return fmt.Errorf("cloudschedulerService.CreateJob: %v", err)
    // TODO: Use resp.
    _ = resp
    return nil


cloudschedulerService.CreateJob: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Job name must be formatted: "projects/<PROJECT_ID>/locations/<LOCATION_ID>/jobs/<JOB_ID>".

但是,当我将 queuePath 更改为以下内容时,我现在收到以下错误。

queuePath := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/jobs/%s", projectID, locationID, jobID)
cloudschedulerService.CreateJob: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = The principal (user or service account) lacks IAM permission "" for the resource "projects/hogehoge-project/locations/asia-northeast1/jobs/029321cb-467f-491e-852e-0c3df3d49db3" (or the resource may not exist).



如何正确执行创建请求? 谢谢。

我用这段代码解决了自己。 这是作业名称错误,而不是父名称。

    queuePath := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, locationID)
    namePath := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/jobs/%s", projectID, locationID, jobID)

    req := &schedulerpb.CreateJobRequest{
        Parent: queuePath,
        Job: &schedulerpb.Job{
            Name:        namePath,
            Description: "managed by system",
            Target: &schedulerpb.Job_HttpTarget{
                HttpTarget: &schedulerpb.HttpTarget{
                    Uri:        createJobUrl(jobBaseUrl, jobID),
                    HttpMethod: schedulerpb.HttpMethod_POST,
            Schedule: "* * * * *",
            TimeZone: "Asia/Tokyo",