使用 excel office 脚本将列拆分为行
Split column into rows using excel office script
我想使用 excel office 脚本将一列拆分为多行,但我不知道该怎么做。
我在 excel 中有一个格式如下的时间表,我想将其分成几列。
Original table
Final Table
根据您的描述,我尝试了使用 Office 脚本的解决方案。它需要这样的 table:
并在新工作表上输出新的 table,如下所示:
无论好坏,我都试图通过从第一个 table 派生的公式将逻辑保留在工作簿中并输出到第二个。如果每天超过一个activity,这个公式逻辑就需要重写。
我不是开发人员,但我已经可以看到此 Office 脚本中需要改进的地方:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// delete new worksheet if it already exists so the rest of the script can run effectively
// should you need to retain data simply rename worksheet before running
if (workbook.getWorksheet("My New Sheet") != undefined) {
workbook.getWorksheet("My New Sheet").delete()
// assumes your original data is in a table
let myTable = workbook.getTable("Table1");
let tableData = myTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getValues();
// extract the dates as excel serial numbers
let allDates:number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++) {
allDates.push(tableData[i][2], tableData[i][3]);
let oldestDate = Math.min(...allDates);
let newestDate = Math.max(...allDates);
let calendarSpread = newestDate-oldestDate+2;
// construct formula from the tableData
// first add a new 'column' to tableData to represent the days of the week (as numbers) on which the activity is planned. this will be an array added to each 'row'.
for (let r = 0; r < tableData.length; r++) {
// start a near blank formula string
let formulaText:string = '=';
// use the following cell reference
let cellRef = 'C2';
// construct the formual for each row in the data and with each day of the week for the row
let rowCount:number;
for (let r = 0; r < tableData.length; r++) {
if (tableData[r][4].length > 1) {
formulaText += 'IF(AND(OR(';
} else {
formulaText += 'IF(AND(';
for (let a=0; a < tableData[r][4].length; a++) {
formulaText += 'WEEKDAY(' + cellRef + ')=' + tableData[r][4][a].toString();
if (a == tableData[r][4].length - 1 && tableData[r][4].length > 1) {
formulaText += '),';
} else {
formulaText += ', ';
formulaText += cellRef + '>=' + tableData[r][2] + ', ' + cellRef + '<=' + tableData[r][3] + '), "' + tableData[r][0] + '", ';
rowCount = r+1;
formulaText += '"-"';
for (let p=0; p<rowCount; p++) {
formulaText += ')';
// create a new sheet
let newSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("My New Sheet");
// add the header row
let header = newSheet.getRange("A1:C1").setValues([["Activity", "Day", "Date"]])
// insert the oldest date into the first row, then add formula to adjacent cells in row
let firstDate = newSheet.getRange("C2")
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -1).setFormula("=C2");
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -1).setNumberFormatLocal("ddd");
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -2).setFormula(formulaText);
// use autofill to copy results down until the last day in the sequence
let autoFillRange = "A2:C" + (calendarSpread).toString();
firstDate.getResizedRange(0, -2).autoFill(autoFillRange, ExcelScript.AutoFillType.fillDefault);
// convert the the range to a table and format the columns
let outputTable = newSheet.addTable(newSheet.getUsedRange(), true);
//navigate to the new sheet
// function to return days (as a number) for each day of week found in a string
function findDay(foo: string) {
// start with a list of days to search for
let daysOfWeek:string[] = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat"];
//create empty arrays
let searchResults:number[] = [];
let daysFound:number[] = [];
// search for each day of the week, this will create an array for each day of the week where the value is -1 if the day is not found or write the position where the day is found
for (let d of daysOfWeek) {
// now take the search results array and if the number contained is greater than -1 add it's position+1 to a days found array. this should end up being a list of numbered days of the week found in a string/cell
for (let i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i++) {
if (searchResults[i] > -1) {
daysFound.push(i + 1);
return daysFound
let usedRange = workbook.getActiveWorksheet().getTables()[0].getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
let newString: string[][] = [];
usedRange.getValues().forEach(row => {
let daysRows: string[][] = [];
let days = row[1].toString().split(',');
days.forEach(cellValue => {
if (cellValue != ' ') {
let eachDayData = row.toString().replace(row[1].toString(), cellValue).split(',');
daysRows.forEach(actualDay => {
const effDate = new Date(Math.round((actualDay[2] as unknown as number - 25569) * 86400 * 1000))
const disDate = new Date(Math.round((actualDay[3] as unknown as number - 25569) * 86400 * 1000))
getDatesInRange(effDate, disDate).forEach(element => {
let options = { weekday: 'short' }
if (element.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', options) == actualDay[1]) {
let datas = actualDay.toString().replace(actualDay[2], element.toDateString()).split(',')
let workSheet = workbook.addWorksheet('UpdatedSheet');
let headers = workSheet.getRange('A1:C1').setValue([['Activity', 'Day', 'Date']])
let range = workSheet.getRange('A2');
let resizedRange = range.getAbsoluteResizedRange(newString.length, newString[0].length);
let tableRange = workSheet.getRange("A2").getSurroundingRegion().getAddress();
let newTable = workbook.addTable(workSheet.getRange(tableRange), true);
function getDatesInRange(startDate: { getTime: () => string | number | Date; }, endDate: string | number | Date) {
const date = new Date(startDate.getTime());
const dates: Date[] = [];
while (date <= endDate) {
dates.push(new Date(date));
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
return dates;
我想使用 excel office 脚本将一列拆分为多行,但我不知道该怎么做。
我在 excel 中有一个格式如下的时间表,我想将其分成几列。
Original table
Final Table
根据您的描述,我尝试了使用 Office 脚本的解决方案。它需要这样的 table:
并在新工作表上输出新的 table,如下所示:
无论好坏,我都试图通过从第一个 table 派生的公式将逻辑保留在工作簿中并输出到第二个。如果每天超过一个activity,这个公式逻辑就需要重写。
我不是开发人员,但我已经可以看到此 Office 脚本中需要改进的地方:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// delete new worksheet if it already exists so the rest of the script can run effectively
// should you need to retain data simply rename worksheet before running
if (workbook.getWorksheet("My New Sheet") != undefined) {
workbook.getWorksheet("My New Sheet").delete()
// assumes your original data is in a table
let myTable = workbook.getTable("Table1");
let tableData = myTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getValues();
// extract the dates as excel serial numbers
let allDates:number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++) {
allDates.push(tableData[i][2], tableData[i][3]);
let oldestDate = Math.min(...allDates);
let newestDate = Math.max(...allDates);
let calendarSpread = newestDate-oldestDate+2;
// construct formula from the tableData
// first add a new 'column' to tableData to represent the days of the week (as numbers) on which the activity is planned. this will be an array added to each 'row'.
for (let r = 0; r < tableData.length; r++) {
// start a near blank formula string
let formulaText:string = '=';
// use the following cell reference
let cellRef = 'C2';
// construct the formual for each row in the data and with each day of the week for the row
let rowCount:number;
for (let r = 0; r < tableData.length; r++) {
if (tableData[r][4].length > 1) {
formulaText += 'IF(AND(OR(';
} else {
formulaText += 'IF(AND(';
for (let a=0; a < tableData[r][4].length; a++) {
formulaText += 'WEEKDAY(' + cellRef + ')=' + tableData[r][4][a].toString();
if (a == tableData[r][4].length - 1 && tableData[r][4].length > 1) {
formulaText += '),';
} else {
formulaText += ', ';
formulaText += cellRef + '>=' + tableData[r][2] + ', ' + cellRef + '<=' + tableData[r][3] + '), "' + tableData[r][0] + '", ';
rowCount = r+1;
formulaText += '"-"';
for (let p=0; p<rowCount; p++) {
formulaText += ')';
// create a new sheet
let newSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("My New Sheet");
// add the header row
let header = newSheet.getRange("A1:C1").setValues([["Activity", "Day", "Date"]])
// insert the oldest date into the first row, then add formula to adjacent cells in row
let firstDate = newSheet.getRange("C2")
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -1).setFormula("=C2");
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -1).setNumberFormatLocal("ddd");
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -2).setFormula(formulaText);
// use autofill to copy results down until the last day in the sequence
let autoFillRange = "A2:C" + (calendarSpread).toString();
firstDate.getResizedRange(0, -2).autoFill(autoFillRange, ExcelScript.AutoFillType.fillDefault);
// convert the the range to a table and format the columns
let outputTable = newSheet.addTable(newSheet.getUsedRange(), true);
//navigate to the new sheet
// function to return days (as a number) for each day of week found in a string
function findDay(foo: string) {
// start with a list of days to search for
let daysOfWeek:string[] = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat"];
//create empty arrays
let searchResults:number[] = [];
let daysFound:number[] = [];
// search for each day of the week, this will create an array for each day of the week where the value is -1 if the day is not found or write the position where the day is found
for (let d of daysOfWeek) {
// now take the search results array and if the number contained is greater than -1 add it's position+1 to a days found array. this should end up being a list of numbered days of the week found in a string/cell
for (let i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i++) {
if (searchResults[i] > -1) {
daysFound.push(i + 1);
return daysFound
let usedRange = workbook.getActiveWorksheet().getTables()[0].getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
let newString: string[][] = [];
usedRange.getValues().forEach(row => {
let daysRows: string[][] = [];
let days = row[1].toString().split(',');
days.forEach(cellValue => {
if (cellValue != ' ') {
let eachDayData = row.toString().replace(row[1].toString(), cellValue).split(',');
daysRows.forEach(actualDay => {
const effDate = new Date(Math.round((actualDay[2] as unknown as number - 25569) * 86400 * 1000))
const disDate = new Date(Math.round((actualDay[3] as unknown as number - 25569) * 86400 * 1000))
getDatesInRange(effDate, disDate).forEach(element => {
let options = { weekday: 'short' }
if (element.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', options) == actualDay[1]) {
let datas = actualDay.toString().replace(actualDay[2], element.toDateString()).split(',')
let workSheet = workbook.addWorksheet('UpdatedSheet');
let headers = workSheet.getRange('A1:C1').setValue([['Activity', 'Day', 'Date']])
let range = workSheet.getRange('A2');
let resizedRange = range.getAbsoluteResizedRange(newString.length, newString[0].length);
let tableRange = workSheet.getRange("A2").getSurroundingRegion().getAddress();
let newTable = workbook.addTable(workSheet.getRange(tableRange), true);
function getDatesInRange(startDate: { getTime: () => string | number | Date; }, endDate: string | number | Date) {
const date = new Date(startDate.getTime());
const dates: Date[] = [];
while (date <= endDate) {
dates.push(new Date(date));
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
return dates;