在 Angular 12 反应形式中使用 patchValue 绑定形式数组的最佳方式
Best way to bind form array using patchValue in Angular 12 reactive form
我正在获取不同格式的数据,但在使用 'split' 之后,我终于得到了正确的响应值。现在控制台显示响应数据如下:
0:{ name: 'dev', label: 'actor' },
1:{ name: 'madhu', label: 'actress' },
现在我想在我的 formArray 中修补这些数据
使用 patchvalue()
中定义的 documentation
// Get the data from the service or a placeholder defined here
const dataFromService: Array<{name: string; label: string}> = [
{ name: 'dev', label: 'actor' },
{ name: 'madhu', label: 'actress' }
// patch the form array with your data
// as long as your data conforms to the names of the FormControls in your formArray, patchValue works
您需要将 formGroup 推入 formArray,如下所示。任何时候你想添加数据,你可以推入数组(你可以使用你做的扩展来获取表单控件'credentials')
ngOnInit(): void {
this.form = this.fb.group({
credentials: this.fb.array(this.getData()),
getData(): FormGroup[] {
return this.data.map(d => this.fb.group({
name: d.name,
label: d.label,
我正在获取不同格式的数据,但在使用 'split' 之后,我终于得到了正确的响应值。现在控制台显示响应数据如下:
0:{ name: 'dev', label: 'actor' },
1:{ name: 'madhu', label: 'actress' },
现在我想在我的 formArray 中修补这些数据
使用 patchvalue()
中定义的 documentation
// Get the data from the service or a placeholder defined here
const dataFromService: Array<{name: string; label: string}> = [
{ name: 'dev', label: 'actor' },
{ name: 'madhu', label: 'actress' }
// patch the form array with your data
// as long as your data conforms to the names of the FormControls in your formArray, patchValue works
您需要将 formGroup 推入 formArray,如下所示。任何时候你想添加数据,你可以推入数组(你可以使用你做的扩展来获取表单控件'credentials')
ngOnInit(): void {
this.form = this.fb.group({
credentials: this.fb.array(this.getData()),
getData(): FormGroup[] {
return this.data.map(d => this.fb.group({
name: d.name,
label: d.label,