如何像 GKE 、 EKS 等 Kubernetes Cloud 为 Kubernetes 中类型为 Loadbacer 的服务分配外部 ip?

How to Kubernetes Cloud like GKE , EKS,.. allocation external ip for Service with Type Loadbacer in Kubernetes?

我刚接触 K8s。我尝试在公司内部服务器中自行部署 k8s 云。我有疑问如何设置我的 K8s 可以使用 Loabalancer 为服务分配外部 IP。能否介绍一下它在 GKE 或 EKS 中的工作原理?


What I mean how to EKS or GKE behind the scenes allocation ip, what is a mechanism?

这是EKS version and here's the GKE version. It's a complex thing, suggest you use these materials as the starting point before diving into technical details (which previous answer provided you the source). In case you thought of on-premises k8s cluster, it depends on the CNI that you will use, a well known CNI is Calico

在GKE中你可以定义services to expose or to make accessible the applications defined in the cluster. There are several kinds of services one of them is a LoadBalancer service,这可以有一个外部IP地址。