{fmt} 库中精度格式说明符的最大允许值

Maximum allowed value of the precision format specifier in the {fmt} library


#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

// Let's see how many digits we can print
void test(auto value, char const* fmt_str, auto std_manip, int precision)
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std_manip << std::setprecision(precision) << value;
    auto const std_out { oss.str() };
    auto const fmt_out { fmt::format(fmt_str, value, precision) };    
    std::cout << std_out.size() << '\n' << std_out << '\n'
              << fmt_out.size() << '\n' << fmt_out << '\n';

int main()
    auto const precision{ 1074 };
    auto const denorm_min{ -0x0.0000000000001p-1022 };

    // This is fine
    test(denorm_min, "{:.{}g}", std::defaultfloat, precision);
    // Here {fmt} stops at 770 chars
    test(denorm_min, "{:.{}f}", std::fixed, precision);  

根据 {fmt} 图书馆的 documentation:

The precision is a decimal number indicating how many digits should be displayed after the decimal point for a floating-point value formatted with 'f' and 'F', or before and after the decimal point for a floating-point value formatted with 'g' or 'G'.


在我发布的极端案例中,std::setprecision 似乎能够输出所有 请求的数字,而 {fmt} 似乎停在 770(在大多数情况下“合理”足够大的值,公平)。有没有我们可以设置的参数来修改这个限制?


我报告了 issue to the library mantainers and it appears to have been fixed,现在。

(1) 如果您想知道这些特定值的来源,我正在玩这个问答:
What is the maximum length in chars needed to represent any double value?

您离得不远了,format-inl.h 文件 (see here) 中的硬编码限制为 767:

// Limit precision to the maximum possible number of significant digits in
// an IEEE754 double because we don't need to generate zeros.
const int max_double_digits = 767;
if (precision > max_double_digits) precision = max_double_digits;

精度可以是小于最大值 int 的任何值。


767 不是精度限制,而是 IEEE754 double 可以具有的最大有效数字位数(其余为零):https://www.exploringbinary.com/maximum-number-of-decimal-digits-in-binary-floating-point-numbers/.