为多个 kubernetes 上下文创建多个虚拟环境

Create Multiple Virtual envs for Multiple kubernetes contexts


 kubectl  --context <cluster context> get pod  -A 

获取特定集群中的 pod

是否有 python 方法来为虚拟环境设置 kubernetes 上下文,以便我们可以同时使用多个上下文 示例:

Terminal 1:
(cluster context1) user@machine # 

Terminal 2:
(cluster context2) user@machine #


Terminal 1:
user@machine #  kubectl  --context <cluster context1> get pod  -A 

Terminal 2:
user@machine # kubectl  --context <cluster context1> get pod  -A 

我会尝试按照官方客户端 repo

from pick import pick  # install pick using `pip install pick`

from kubernetes import client, config
from kubernetes.client import configuration

def main():
    contexts, active_context = config.list_kube_config_contexts()
    if not contexts:
        print("Cannot find any context in kube-config file.")
    contexts = [context['name'] for context in contexts]
    active_index = contexts.index(active_context['name'])
    cluster1, first_index = pick(contexts, title="Pick the first context",
    cluster2, _ = pick(contexts, title="Pick the second context",

    client1 = client.CoreV1Api(
    client2 = client.CoreV1Api(

    print("\nList of pods on %s:" % cluster1)
    for i in client1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces().items:
        print("%s\t%s\t%s" %
              (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace, i.metadata.name))

    print("\n\nList of pods on %s:" % cluster2)
    for i in client2.list_pod_for_all_namespaces().items:
        print("%s\t%s\t%s" %
              (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace, i.metadata.name))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Read more here

您还可以使用 python 和 pick 来选择 contexts

from pick import pick  # `pip install pick`

from kubernetes import client, config
from kubernetes.client import configuration

def main():
    contexts, active_context = config.list_kube_config_contexts()
    if not contexts:
        print("Cannot find any context in kube-config file.")
    contexts = [context['name'] for context in contexts]
    active_index = contexts.index(active_context['name'])
    option, _ = pick(contexts, title="Pick the context to load",
    # Configs can be set in Configuration class directly or using helper
    # utility

    print("Active host is %s" % configuration.Configuration().host)

您也可以尝试在不同的终端中使用 环境 变量 存储不同的 K8s 上下文详细信息。

这可能不是一个合理的解决方案,但无论如何...有时我对不同的集群使用了不同的 kubectl 版本,我想出了一个类似 venv 的解决方案来在它们之间切换。我写了这样的文本文件:

export KUBECONFIG="/path/to/kubeconfig"
export PATH="/path/including/the/right/kubectl"

并以与 venv 相同的方式激活它们:source the_file。如果您可以将上下文拆分为单独的文件,则可以将 export KUBECONFIG="/path/to/kubeconfig" 添加到 venv/bin/activate,当您激活 venv.

  1. 首先为要切换的集群上下文创建单独的配置文件
Terminal 1:
user@machine $ kubectl config view --minify --flatten --context=context-1 > $HOME/.kube/config-context-1

Terminal 2:
user@machine $ kubectl config view --minify --flatten --context=context-2 > $HOME/.kube/config-context-2
  1. 为不同的集群创建不同的虚拟环境并激活它们
Terminal 1:
user@machine $ python3 -m venv context-1
user@machine $ . ./context-1/bin/activate

Terminal 2:
user@machine $ python3 -m venv context-2
user@machine $ . ./context-2/bin/activate
  1. 将新的配置文件导出到各自的环境
Terminal 1:
(context-1) user@machine $ export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config-context-1"

Terminal 2:
(context-2) user@machine $ export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config-context-2"

你检查一下你的 pods 现在它会有不同的上下文