
Finding every other integer token using a Scanner for the file

我正在使用 Scanner 作为文件示例,其中有 4 个男孩和 3 个女孩。每个名字后面都有一个整数(例如 Mike 24),它以男孩开头,然后是女孩,然后是男孩,然后是女孩等等。总共有 4 个男孩和 3 个女孩,我应该数一数男孩的数量和女孩,然后将每个男孩的数字相加得出总和,然后女孩也相同。另外,当我为男孩分配 console.nextInt() 时,是否会从文件中获取数字然后分配给男孩变量?另外,console.hasNext() 是否有一个索引,如果它读取标记 #1 那么我可以说 console.hasNext() == 1;?


Erik 3 Rita 7 Tanner 14 Jillyn 13 Curtis 4 Stefanie 12 Ben 6


import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Lecture07 {

  public static void main(String[] args)  throws FileNotFoundException{
    System.out.println("Hello, world!");

    // Put your answer for #1 here:
    // You will need to add the method in above main(), but then call it here
    Scanner console = new Scanner(new File("mydata.txt"));

  public static void boyGirl(Scanner console) { 
    int boysCount = 0;
    int girlsCount = 0;

    while (console.hasNext()) {
          if (console.hasNextInt()) {
              int boys = console.nextInt();
              int girls = console.nextInt();
          else {


hasNext() 只会 return truefalse。首先你不应该在循环中执行 int boys = console.nextInt(); ,因为它每次都会创建新变量并且数据将会丢失。您需要做的是将 int boys = 0; 分配给其他 2 个变量 int boysCountint girlsCount,同样适用于 int girls = 0


    public static void boyGirl(Scanner console) {
    int boysCount = 0; // here we asigning the variables that we gonna be using
    int girlsCount = 0;
    int boys = 0;
    int girls = 0;

    while (console.hasNext()) { // check if there is next element, it must be the name
        console.next(); // consume the name, we do not want it. or maybe you do up to you
        boys += console.nextInt(); // now get to the number and add it to boys
        boysCount++; // increment the count by 1 to use later, since we found a boy

        if (console.hasNext()) { // if statement to see if the boy above, is followed by a girl
            console.next(); // do same thing we did to the boy and consume the name
            girls += console.nextInt(); // add the number
            girlsCount++; // increment girl

现在在你的 while 循环之后,你可以用变量做你想做的事,比如打印它们或其他东西。希望我能帮到你。