在 Django 表单模板中使用变量作为表单字段

Use variable as form fields in Django form template

<here all loading of static , template_filters, crispy_forms >

{% for i in artifact_length %}
   {% with artifact_name="artifact"|artifact_name:forloop.counter0 %}
   {% endwith %}

这是相关的模板代码。在这里,我想渲染名称为 artifact_0artifact_1 的表单字段。 with 中的变量 artifact_name 工作正常并返回预期的标识符 artifact_0artifact_1,但我想将这些变量用作表单字段以呈现为 as_crispy_field . 代码 {{form.artifact_name|as_crispy_field}} 不打印任何内容,因为它假定表单为名称为 artifact_name 的字段,但事实并非如此。相反,我想在这里使用变量的值。


  class Someform(forms.form):
    def __init__(self, artifact_obj):
        count = 0
        for artifact in artifact_obj:
            self.fields[f'artifact_{count}'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.NumberInput())
                count += 1

def get_artifact_name(artifact_prefix: str, counter: int):
    print('method', 'prefix', artifact_prefix, 'counter', counter)
    return f'{artifact_prefix}_{counter}'

正在创建可变长度表单。正如在 forms.py 中,表单字段是用 artifact_count 创建的,其中计数范围从 0 到 obj 的 len。

您不需要为此目的使用过滤器/模板标签等。最简单的解决方案是 loop over the form fields 渲染它们:

{% for field in form %}
    {{ field|as_crispy_field }}


如果您特别关心这些字段的顺序,您可以调用表格 order_fields method:

class Someform(forms.form):
    def __init__(self, artifact_obj, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for count, artifact in enumerate(artifact_obj):
            self.fields[f'artifact_{count}'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.NumberInput())
        self.order_fields(["field_1", "field_2", ...] + [f"artifact_{i}" for i, _ in enumerate(artifact_obj)] + [..., "field_n"])


class Someform(forms.form):
    def __init__(self, artifact_obj, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for count, artifact in enumerate(artifact_obj):
            self.fields[f'artifact_{count}'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.NumberInput())
        self.artifact_length = len(artifact_obj)
    def artifact_fields(self):
        return [self[f'artifact_{i}'] for i in range(self.artifact_length)]


{% for field in form.artifact_fields %}
    {{ field|as_crispy_field }}