为什么在仅导入 class 时代码在 class 定义 运行 之外?

Why is code outside a class definition run when only the class is imported?

我想从另一个文件导入 python class,而不导入文件的其余部分。

当我使用 from Exercise_7 import Vehicle 导入 class(车辆是 class),然后 运行 我的代码时,似乎来自 Exercise_7.py 的行在 class定义也运行.


Exercise_7.py :

import numpy as np

class Vehicle:
  def __init__(self, typeOfVehicle, velocity, colour, electric):
    self.typeOfVehicle = str(typeOfVehicle)
    self.velocity = tuple(velocity)
    self.velocity = np.array(self.velocity)
    self.colour = str(colour)
    self.electric = bool(electric)
  def updateVelocity(self, velocityTuple):
    self.velocity = np.array(velocityTuple)

  def allAttributes(self):
    attributes = [self.typeOfVehicle, self.velocity, self.colour, self.electric]

  def emissions(self, distance):
    #electric vehicles
    if self.electric == True:
      if self.typeOfVehicle == "Car":
        emission = 1*distance
      elif self.typeOfVehicle == "Truck":
        emission = 5*distance

    else:  #vehicle is not electric
      if self.typeOfVehicle == "Car":
        emission = 10*distance
      elif self.typeOfVehicle == "Truck":
        emission = 50*distance
    return emission

#---TEST CODE THAT IS BEING RUN (when I don't want it to)--- 

vehicle1 = Vehicle("Car", (3,5), "red", False)


from Exercise_7 import Vehicle
import numpy as np
import random as r

def newVehicles(type, electric1):
    colours = ["red", "blue", "green", "black", "grey"]
    for i in range(0,50):
        velocity = (r.uniform(1,70), r.uniform(1,70))
        newVehicle = Vehicle(type, velocity, colours[r.randint(0,4)], electric1)

def createVehicles():
    newVehicles("Car", True)
    newVehicles("Car", False)
    newVehicles("Truck", True)
    newVehicles("Truck", False)
    return vehicles

def calculateEmissions(vehicles, time):
    electricCarsEmissions = 0
    nonelectricCarsEmissions = 0
    electricTrucksEmissions = 0
    nonelectricTrucksEmissions = 0
    for vehicle in vehicles:
        speed = (vehicle.velocity[0]**2 + vehicle.velocity[1]**2)**1/2
        distanceTravelled = speed*time
        vehicle.distance = distanceTravelled
        emission = vehicle.emissions(distanceTravelled)
        if vehicle.typeOfVehicle == "Car" and vehicle.electric == True:
            electricCarsEmissions += emission
        elif vehicle.typeOfVehicle == "Car" and vehicle.electric == False:
            nonelectricCarsEmissions += emission
        elif vehicle.typeOfVehicle == "Truck" and vehicle.electric == True:
            electricTrucksEmissions += emission
        elif vehicle.typeOfVehicle == "Truck" and vehicle.electric == False:
            nonelectricTrucksEmissions += emission
    return electricCarsEmissions, nonelectricCarsEmissions, electricTrucksEmissions, nonelectricTrucksEmissions
vehicles = []
listOfVehicles = createVehicles()
print(calculateEmissions(listOfVehicles, 20))


['Car', array([2, 6]), 'red', False]  #output from Exercise_7.py code
1000 #output from Exercise_7.py code
(1836161.109986278, 16586342.282856379, 7901210.428254995, 74406974.7703749) #desired output

这就是解释型语言的工作方式(如 python、javascript ...)任何存在于函数定义或 class 之外的代码都将由口译员(在你的例子中是 python 口译员)

模块是可执行代码块,defclass 语句也是如此。它们仅在 整个 代码上下文中得到明确定义。因此,不可能只加载模块的一部分。

运行 from Exercise_7 import Vehicle 仍然需要 加载并执行 整个模块 Exercise_7 到解释器中,即使它只是 导入并绑定名称Vehicle到文件中。

在常规导入期间不应该 运行 的代码应该在 __main__ guard 中:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    vehicle1 = Vehicle("Car", (3,5), "red", False)

松散地说,一个模块只有在直接执行时才是 __main__——例如as python -m Exercise_7 – 但不是在被另一个模块导入时。