PowerShell 从 csv 文件中读取列值
PowerShell read column value from csv file
这是我下面的 CSV 格式输入数据,角色、管理员、会计和安全是列。
roles, admin,accountant,security
Engineer, ,x , ,
会计列应该 return 'x',但我得到了其他东西。
$path = "$PSScriptRoot\Test.csv"
$csv = Import-Csv -path $path -Delimiter ","
$columns = $csv | Get-member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
$csv | ForEach-Object {
$row = $_
foreach ($col in $columns) {
Write-Host " vaalue of scripting is : $col "
Write-Host " vaalue of scripting row is : $row.$col "
Start-Sleep -s 10
vaalue of scripting is : accountant
vaalue of scripting row is : @{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.accountant
vaalue of scripting is : admin
vaalue of scripting row is : @{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.admin
vaalue of scripting is : roles
vaalue of scripting row is : @{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.roles
获得会计列或任何其他列值的 'x'
根据我的评论,简短的回答是使用 Subexpression operator $( )
,这将允许 PowerShell 引用 属性 $col
对象 $row
MS 文档的简短摘录:
Use this when you want to use an expression within another expression. For example, to embed the results of command in a string expression.
$object = [pscustomobject]@{
foo = 'var'
$property = 'foo'
不允许 PowerShell 从 $object
引用 foo
属性 因为 dot .
被解释为文字而不是点方法。此外,引号将 $object
转换为其 字符串化 ? 表示形式 @{foo=var}
后跟文字点 .
后跟 $property
about_Properties 的另一个摘录:
The most common way to get the values of the properties of an object is to use the dot method. Type a reference to the object, such as a variable that contains the object, or a command that gets the object. Then, type a dot (.) followed by the property name.
最后,除了 $(...)
之外,我们还有什么其他选择可以解决这个问题 :
'Value of $object.$property is "{0}".' -f $object.$property
[string]::Format('Value of $object.$property is "{0}".', $object.$property)
- 使用
'Value of $object.$property is "' + $object.$property + '".'
作为旁注,与实际问题无关,这可能是更 直接 处理您的代码的方式:
'@ |
ConvertFrom-Csv | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 1 } -Process {
foreach($Property in $_.PSObject.Properties.Name)
'Value of Row {0} Column "{1}" is "{2}"' -f
$i, $Property, (
'NULL', ($val = $_.$Property)
注意 .PSObject
to access the object's properties and methods, an alternative to Get-Member
Value of Row 1 Column "roles" is "Engineer"
Value of Row 1 Column "admin" is "NULL"
Value of Row 1 Column "accountant" is "x"
Value of Row 1 Column "security" is "NULL"
Value of Row 2 Column "roles" is "Operator"
Value of Row 2 Column "admin" is "NULL"
Value of Row 2 Column "accountant" is "y"
Value of Row 2 Column "security" is "NULL"
我是根据你的 csv 文件写的,如果有效请告诉我(更改文件夹路径和文件名)。
$folderspath = 'C:\Test'
$csvfilename = 'info.csv'
$csvfilepath = $folderspath + "\" + $csvfilename
$csvfilepath = $csvfilepath.ToString()
$csvfile = Import-CSV -Path $csvfilepath -Delimiter ","
ForEach ($row in $csvfile) {
IF($row.security -eq "High") {
$Roles = $row.roles
$Admin = $row."admin"
$Accountant = $row.accountant
$Security = $row."security"
Write-Host "Roles: " $Roles "; Admin:" $Admin "; Accountant:" $Accountant "; `
Security:" $Security
roles, admin,accountant,security
Engineer, ,x , ,
Engineer2,Yes ,x ,High,
Engineer3, No, , Low,
这是我下面的 CSV 格式输入数据,角色、管理员、会计和安全是列。
roles, admin,accountant,security
Engineer, ,x , ,
会计列应该 return 'x',但我得到了其他东西。
$path = "$PSScriptRoot\Test.csv"
$csv = Import-Csv -path $path -Delimiter ","
$columns = $csv | Get-member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
$csv | ForEach-Object {
$row = $_
foreach ($col in $columns) {
Write-Host " vaalue of scripting is : $col "
Write-Host " vaalue of scripting row is : $row.$col "
Start-Sleep -s 10
vaalue of scripting is : accountant
vaalue of scripting row is : @{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.accountant
vaalue of scripting is : admin
vaalue of scripting row is : @{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.admin
vaalue of scripting is : roles
vaalue of scripting row is : @{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.roles
获得会计列或任何其他列值的 'x'根据我的评论,简短的回答是使用 Subexpression operator $( )
,这将允许 PowerShell 引用 属性 $col
对象 $row
MS 文档的简短摘录:
Use this when you want to use an expression within another expression. For example, to embed the results of command in a string expression.
$object = [pscustomobject]@{
foo = 'var'
$property = 'foo'
不允许 PowerShell 从 $object
引用 foo
属性 因为 dot .
被解释为文字而不是点方法。此外,引号将 $object
转换为其 字符串化 ? 表示形式 @{foo=var}
后跟文字点 .
后跟 $property
about_Properties 的另一个摘录:
The most common way to get the values of the properties of an object is to use the dot method. Type a reference to the object, such as a variable that contains the object, or a command that gets the object. Then, type a dot (.) followed by the property name.
最后,除了 $(...)
之外,我们还有什么其他选择可以解决这个问题 :
'Value of $object.$property is "{0}".' -f $object.$property
[string]::Format('Value of $object.$property is "{0}".', $object.$property)
- 使用
'Value of $object.$property is "' + $object.$property + '".'
作为旁注,与实际问题无关,这可能是更 直接 处理您的代码的方式:
'@ |
ConvertFrom-Csv | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 1 } -Process {
foreach($Property in $_.PSObject.Properties.Name)
'Value of Row {0} Column "{1}" is "{2}"' -f
$i, $Property, (
'NULL', ($val = $_.$Property)
注意 .PSObject
to access the object's properties and methods, an alternative to Get-Member
Value of Row 1 Column "roles" is "Engineer"
Value of Row 1 Column "admin" is "NULL"
Value of Row 1 Column "accountant" is "x"
Value of Row 1 Column "security" is "NULL"
Value of Row 2 Column "roles" is "Operator"
Value of Row 2 Column "admin" is "NULL"
Value of Row 2 Column "accountant" is "y"
Value of Row 2 Column "security" is "NULL"
我是根据你的 csv 文件写的,如果有效请告诉我(更改文件夹路径和文件名)。
$folderspath = 'C:\Test'
$csvfilename = 'info.csv'
$csvfilepath = $folderspath + "\" + $csvfilename
$csvfilepath = $csvfilepath.ToString()
$csvfile = Import-CSV -Path $csvfilepath -Delimiter ","
ForEach ($row in $csvfile) {
IF($row.security -eq "High") {
$Roles = $row.roles
$Admin = $row."admin"
$Accountant = $row.accountant
$Security = $row."security"
Write-Host "Roles: " $Roles "; Admin:" $Admin "; Accountant:" $Accountant "; `
Security:" $Security
roles, admin,accountant,security
Engineer, ,x , ,
Engineer2,Yes ,x ,High,
Engineer3, No, , Low,