提炼和明信片:导航栏上方为空 space

Distill and postcards: empty space above navbar

我的提炼网站 postcards homepage has an empty white space above the navbar that won't go away. Editing theme.css or index.rmd does not affect the white space. Other HTML pages look fine. Since the white space only impacts index.html, I'm assuming it has something to do with postcards

此外,footer.html 不会出现在 index.html 上,但页脚会出现在其他 HTML 页上。

白色的space只有在我把建站推送到Github时才会出现。 index.html 在本地查看时看起来不错。

title: "My Name"
image: images/me.jpg
  - label: Twitter
    url: "https://twitter.com/myname"
  - label: GitHub
    url: "https://github.com/mygithubusername"
base_url: https://mygithubusername.github.io/
preview: images/me.jpg
site: distill::distill_website
output: postcards::trestles
name: "mygithubusername.github.io"
title: "My Name"
base_url: https://mygithubusername.github.io/
repository_url: https://github.com/mygithubusername/mygithubusername.github.io
  site: "@myname"
description: |
  My Website
output_dir: "docs"
theme: theme.css 
    - text: "Home"
      href: index.html
    - text: "Resume"
      href: resume/resume.html
    - text: "Projects"
        - text: "project1"
          href: https://github.com/mygithubusername/project1
        - text: "project2"
          href: https://github.com/mygithubusername/project2
        - text: "project3"
          href: project3.html
output: distill::distill_article

通过卸载并重新安装 distillpostcards 并将此行添加到 theme.css:

body { margin:0; padding: 0; }

注意:这不能解决页脚未出现在 index.html 上的问题。