处理包含特殊字符的 xts 对象

Handling xts objects that contain special characters

我想使用 tidyquant 包(或任何其他包)从 Yahoo 检索财务数据。

为了检索 Microsoft(索引:MSFT)的收盘价,以下代码可以正常工作:

#load packages

#acquire monthly average stock prices
getSymbols("MSFT", from = "2000-08-01", to = "2021-07-31", src = 'yahoo', periodicity = 'daily')
output <- aggregate(MSFT$MSFT.Close, list(format(index(MSFT), "%Y-%m")), mean)
colnames(output) <- c('ClosingPrice')

#create time series for closing stock prices
price = ts(output$ClosingPrice, frequency=12, start=c(2000,08))


#acquire monthly average stock prices
getSymbols("CL=F", from = "2000-08-01", to = "2021-07-31", src = 'yahoo', periodicity = 'daily')
output <- aggregate(CL=F$CL=F.Close, list(format(index(MSFT), "%Y-%m")), mean)


带有特殊字符的对象名称可以反引号。此外,如果有 NA 值,请指定 na.rm = TRUEna.action = NULL,因为如果任何列中有 NAaggregate 可以删除整行

out <- aggregate(`CL=F`$`CL=F.Close`, list(format(index(`CL=F`), "%Y-%m")), 
       mean, na.rm = TRUE, na.action = NULL)


> head(out)
2000-08 32.54571
2000-09 33.87100
2000-10 32.97318
2000-11 34.26450
2000-12 28.35500
2001-01 29.26667
> tail(out)
2021-02 59.06105
2021-03 62.35739
2021-04 61.70381
2021-05 65.15700
2021-06 71.35273
2021-07 72.43048