clojure.lang.LazySeq 无法转换为 class clojure.lang.Associative

clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.Associative

我是 Clojure 的新手,我试图实现一个遗传算法。因此,我遇到了一个问题,实现不断抛出以下错误:

class clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.Associative (clojure.lang.LazySeq and clojure.lang.Associative are in unnamed module 
of loader 'app')


clojure 的版本来自 master 分支,使用 maven 构建,Windows。


(ns ga)

(defn new-individual
    {:genome (vec (repeatedly genome-length #(rand-int 2))) :fitness 0}

(defn fitness-function
    [genome, target]
    (Math/abs (- (reduce + genome) target))

(defn calculate-fitness
    [population, target]
    (defn fitness-function-helper 
        [individual, target]
        (assoc individual :fitness (fitness-function (individual :genome) target))
        (map (fn [individual] (#(fitness-function-helper individual target))) population)

(defn crossover
        [first-individual, second-individual, crossover-rate, target]
        (let [new-genome (map (fn [i1,i2] (let [crossover-probability (rand)]
                                            (<= crossover-probability crossover-rate) i1
                                            :else i2
            (first-individual :genome) (second-individual :genome)
            {:genome new-genome :fitness (fitness-function new-genome target)}

(defn mutate
  [individual, genome-length, target]
  (let [new-genome (assoc (individual :genome) (rand-int genome-length) (rand-int 2))]
    {:genome new-genome :fitness (fitness-function new-genome target)}

(defn better
  [i1 i2]
  (< (i1 :fitness) (i2 :fitness)))

(defn tournament-selection
  [population, population-size, steps, tournament-size, new-population, target]
  (if (< steps tournament-size)
    (recur population population-size (inc steps) tournament-size (conj new-population (nth population ((comp rand-int -) population-size 2))) target
        ;(println new-population)
        (first (sort better (calculate-fitness new-population target)))

(defn new-generation [population, population-size, crossover-rate, target, tournament-size]
    (loop [steps 0 new-population ()]
        (if (< steps population-size)
        (let [i1 (tournament-selection population population-size 0 tournament-size () target)]
            (let [i2 (tournament-selection population population-size 0 tournament-size () target)]
                (let [offs (crossover i1 i2 crossover-rate target)]
                    (recur (inc steps) (conj new-population offs))
    (defn new-mutated-generation [population, population-size, genome-length, target]
        (loop [steps 0 new-population ()]
            (if (< steps population-size)
                    (recur (inc steps) (conj new-population (mutate (nth population steps) genome-length target)))



(defn evolve [population-size, genome-length, target]
(let [population (calculate-fitness (repeatedly population-size #(new-individual genome-length)) target)]
    (let [offsprings (new-generation population population-size 0.5 target 5)]
        (println (new-mutated-generation offsprings population-size genome-length target))



(evolve 10 5 5)


(defn mutate
  [individual, genome-length, target]
  (let [new-genome (assoc (individual :genome) (rand-int genome-length) (rand-int 2))]
    {:genome new-genome :fitness (fitness-function new-genome target)}))

在一个步骤中,您使用这些参数调用它:{:genome (0 1 1 1 1), :fitness 1} 5 5(基因组可以有不同的值,但它始终是数字序列)。

(individual :genome) returns (0 1 1 1 1) (序列)然后你使用了 assoc,它是哈希映射或向量的函数。


(defn crossover
  [first-individual, second-individual, crossover-rate, target]
  (let [new-genome (mapv (fn [i1, i2] (let [crossover-probability (rand)]
                                        (if (<= crossover-probability crossover-rate) i1 i2)))
                         (first-individual :genome) (second-individual :genome))]
    {:genome new-genome :fitness (fitness-function new-genome target)}))



(let [new-genome (assoc (vec (individual :genome)) (rand-int genome-length) (rand-int 2))]

更具体地说,是对 assoc 的调用。如果我们通过在上面插入以下行来编辑代码:

(println "Individual: " (individual :genome) ", " (class (individual :genome)))


Individual:  (0 1 1 0 1) ,  clojure.lang.LazySeq

问题是 assoc 不能与惰性序列 (clojure.lang.LazySeq) 一起使用,因为它没有实现 clojure.lang.Associative interface which is needed by assoc.

这个惰性序列是通过在这一行调用 map 构造的:

(let [new-genome (map (fn [i1,i2] (let [crossover-probability (rand)]

如果你替换 map by mapv 使代码看起来像这样

(let [new-genome (mapv (fn [i1,i2] (let [crossover-probability (rand)]
