Finding the Shortest Path Between Certain Points in the Coordinate System in Python
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix, distance
import random
npoints = int(input("Type the npoints:"))
width = float(input("Enter the Width you want:"))
height = float(input("Enter the Height you want:"))
sample = []
for _ in range(npoints):
sample.append((width * random.random(), height * random.random()))
print(*[f"({w:.2f}, {h:.2f})" for w, h in sample], sep=', ')
mat_dist = distance.cdist(sample, sample, 'euclidean')
df_mat_dist = pd.DataFrame(mat_dist)
Type the npoints:5
Enter the Width you want:6
Enter the Height you want:7
(3.25, 3.55), (5.51, 6.47), (5.87, 5.31), (2.27, 3.20), (0.96, 3.83)
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.000000 3.690201 3.153510 1.047022 2.305800
1 3.690201 0.000000 1.209096 4.608588 5.257688
2 3.153510 1.209096 0.000000 4.176733 5.123103
3 1.047022 4.608588 4.176733 0.000000 1.450613
4 2.305800 5.257688 5.123103 1.450613 0.000000
Process finished with exit code 0
我想创建一种算法,从输入的随机点开始,绕过最短路径中的所有点。 (最近邻法继续根据欧氏距离找到距离起点最近的点,然后在未纠缠的点中,找到离这个新点最近的点,一直这样下去,直到遍历完所有点,完成一轮).我怎样才能在 10 个不同的点重复这个过程 10 次并得到这样的输出:
Tour Number:1
Number of points visited in order in the relevant round: 0-7-3-8-2...
Total route length of the tour: 18,75755
Tour Number:2
The number of the points visited in order in the relevant round: 6-9-11-2-7...
Total route length of the tour: 14,49849
import random
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix, distance
npoints = int(input("Type the npoints: "))
width = float(input("Enter the Width you want: "))
height = float(input("Enter the Height you want: "))
sample = []
for _ in range(npoints):
sample.append((width * random.random(), height * random.random()))
print(*[f"({w:.2f}, {h:.2f})" for w, h in sample], sep=', ')
mat_dist = distance.cdist(sample, sample, 'euclidean')
df_mat_dist = pd.DataFrame(mat_dist)
#Randomly select the first point
closest_idx = random.randrange(npoints)
path_points = [closest_idx]
#Find the closest point to the starting point, different from diagonal and save results
path_length = 0
for _ in range(npoints-1):
closest_dist = df_mat_dist.loc[closest_idx, ~df_mat_dist.index.isin(path_points)].min()
closest_idx = df_mat_dist.loc[closest_idx, ~df_mat_dist.index.isin(path_points)].idxmin()
path_length += closest_dist
print(path_points, path_length)
Type the npoints: 5
Enter the Width you want: 6
Enter the Height you want: 7
(2.45, 6.66), (3.01, 3.94), (5.06, 0.51), (5.89, 1.04), (1.37, 5.03)
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.000000 2.775327 6.677550 6.587089 1.950042
1 2.775327 0.000000 3.993631 4.086550 1.970787
2 6.677550 3.993631 0.000000 0.988898 5.834766
3 6.587089 4.086550 0.988898 0.000000 6.030719
4 1.950042 1.970787 5.834766 6.030719 0.000000
[1, 4, 0, 3, 2] 11.49681560383563
由此您应该能够将代码调整为 运行 10 次。
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix, distance
import random
npoints = int(input("Type the npoints:"))
width = float(input("Enter the Width you want:"))
height = float(input("Enter the Height you want:"))
sample = []
for _ in range(npoints):
sample.append((width * random.random(), height * random.random()))
print(*[f"({w:.2f}, {h:.2f})" for w, h in sample], sep=', ')
mat_dist = distance.cdist(sample, sample, 'euclidean')
df_mat_dist = pd.DataFrame(mat_dist)
Type the npoints:5
Enter the Width you want:6
Enter the Height you want:7
(3.25, 3.55), (5.51, 6.47), (5.87, 5.31), (2.27, 3.20), (0.96, 3.83)
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.000000 3.690201 3.153510 1.047022 2.305800
1 3.690201 0.000000 1.209096 4.608588 5.257688
2 3.153510 1.209096 0.000000 4.176733 5.123103
3 1.047022 4.608588 4.176733 0.000000 1.450613
4 2.305800 5.257688 5.123103 1.450613 0.000000
Process finished with exit code 0
我想创建一种算法,从输入的随机点开始,绕过最短路径中的所有点。 (最近邻法继续根据欧氏距离找到距离起点最近的点,然后在未纠缠的点中,找到离这个新点最近的点,一直这样下去,直到遍历完所有点,完成一轮).我怎样才能在 10 个不同的点重复这个过程 10 次并得到这样的输出:
Tour Number:1
Number of points visited in order in the relevant round: 0-7-3-8-2...
Total route length of the tour: 18,75755
Tour Number:2
The number of the points visited in order in the relevant round: 6-9-11-2-7...
Total route length of the tour: 14,49849
import random
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix, distance
npoints = int(input("Type the npoints: "))
width = float(input("Enter the Width you want: "))
height = float(input("Enter the Height you want: "))
sample = []
for _ in range(npoints):
sample.append((width * random.random(), height * random.random()))
print(*[f"({w:.2f}, {h:.2f})" for w, h in sample], sep=', ')
mat_dist = distance.cdist(sample, sample, 'euclidean')
df_mat_dist = pd.DataFrame(mat_dist)
#Randomly select the first point
closest_idx = random.randrange(npoints)
path_points = [closest_idx]
#Find the closest point to the starting point, different from diagonal and save results
path_length = 0
for _ in range(npoints-1):
closest_dist = df_mat_dist.loc[closest_idx, ~df_mat_dist.index.isin(path_points)].min()
closest_idx = df_mat_dist.loc[closest_idx, ~df_mat_dist.index.isin(path_points)].idxmin()
path_length += closest_dist
print(path_points, path_length)
Type the npoints: 5
Enter the Width you want: 6
Enter the Height you want: 7
(2.45, 6.66), (3.01, 3.94), (5.06, 0.51), (5.89, 1.04), (1.37, 5.03)
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.000000 2.775327 6.677550 6.587089 1.950042
1 2.775327 0.000000 3.993631 4.086550 1.970787
2 6.677550 3.993631 0.000000 0.988898 5.834766
3 6.587089 4.086550 0.988898 0.000000 6.030719
4 1.950042 1.970787 5.834766 6.030719 0.000000
[1, 4, 0, 3, 2] 11.49681560383563
由此您应该能够将代码调整为 运行 10 次。