使用 zip & *,按字母顺序对列表 'books_borrowed' 进行排序,同时确保对相应 'isbn' 值的引用在 PYTHON 中保持不变

Using zip & *, sort the list 'books_borrowed' alphabetically while ensuring that reference to the respective 'isbn' value remains the same in PYTHON

new_value= 列表(zip(books_borrowed,isbn))

book_sorted, isbn_sorted = 列表(zip(*new_value))

book_sorted= 已排序(book_sorted)

打印(book_sorted) 打印(isbn_sorted)

我希望 ISBN 值与已分类的书保持一致


您可以使用排序函数的 key 参数和 standard library

中的 operator.itemgetter 函数
import operator

def sort_books(books_borrowed, isbn):
    zipped = zip(books_borrowed, isbn)
    sorted_zipped = sorted(zipped, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
    return list(zip(*sorted_zipped))

>>> sort_books(
...     ["lord of the rings", "Dune", "h2g2"], 
...     ["ltr_isbn", "d_isbn", "h2g2_isbn"]
... )
('Dhune', 'h2g2', 'lord of the rings'), ('d_isbn', 'h2g2_isbn', 'ltr_isbn')

here 是关于如何在 python
