
how can i map the string that are in the object where empty string considered as empty line and each string restricted to one line

"ptr0": [
    "Interviewer: Nancy Carolyn Camp Foster (NF)",
    "Interviewee: Edith Mills (EM)",
    "NF: Well it's kind of interesting to observe how students have turned out who've",
    "gone through Bristow schools. We lose track, we don't really realize and",
    "Other Persons: Lucy Mae Mills (LM) Unknown Woman (WS)"

我正在尝试在浏览器的 jsx 中映射上述 objecttrans 对象 ptr0,我希望对象中的空字符串被视为空行,并且对象中的每个字符串限制为一行,我正在尝试这样的事情在浏览器 jsx 中显示:

采访者:Nancy Carolyn Camp Foster (NF)

受访者:伊迪丝·米尔斯 (EM)

有点有趣 上过布里斯托学校。我们迷路了,我们没有真正意识到并且

其他人:Lucy Mae Mills (LM) 无名女子 (WS)


                return   pt               


return (
      <div className="content">


const text = lines.join('\n');

然后将文本放入 preformatted text element <pre> instead of a paragraph element <p> 中,并根据需要设置样式。

const lines = [
  "Interviewer: Nancy Carolyn Camp Foster (NF)",
  "Interviewee: Edith Mills (EM)",
  "NF: Well it's kind of interesting to observe how students have turned out who've",
  "gone through Bristow schools. We lose track, we don't really realize and",
  "Other Persons: Lucy Mae Mills (LM) Unknown Woman (WS)",

const text = lines.join('\n');

document.querySelector('pre').textContent = text;

您的代码似乎在执行您希望它执行的操作。如果您的问题是未显示新行,则可以在字符串为空时 return 一个 br 元素。类似于:

objecttrans.ptr0.map(pt => pt || <br />

const Transcript = props => <div className="content">

const objecttrans = {
  "ptr0": [
    "Interviewer: Nancy Carolyn Camp Foster (NF)",
    "Interviewee: Edith Mills (EM)",
    "NF: Well it's kind of interesting to observe how students have turned out who've",
    "gone through Bristow schools. We lose track, we don't really realize and",
    "Other Persons: Lucy Mae Mills (LM) Unknown Woman (WS)"

    transcript={objecttrans.ptr0.map(pt => pt || <br />)}
  />, document.body
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