以编程方式了解 ftp 客户端是否使用 RDW 从 zOS 获取数据集

Understand programmatically if ftp client will fetch a dataset from zOS with RDW or without

如果我使用 FTP 连接到 zOS,我可以 运行 rstatus 命令并在返回的 68 行中我得到以下两个人类可读行之一:

RDWs from variable format data sets are discarded.

RDWs from variable format data sets are retained as part of the data.

有没有一种方法可以让程序在不解析 rstatus 返回的 68 行并且不评估供人类使用的文本的情况下了解 RDW 的状态reader? (因此将来可能会更改,恕不另行通知)


我不知道编程接口,但您可以指定您希望如何处理 RDW,这样您就不必解析当前状态。这可以通过从客户端向大型机发送 SITE 命令来完成。请参阅 this question


注意:FTP.DATA 中的设置将决定默认行为。查看文档中的 this reference


Specifies that Variable Record Descriptors (RDW) are treated as if they were part of the record and not discarded during ftp transmission of VB or VBS data sets in other than block mode. RDW information is stored in a binary halfword. Transfer files in binary to avoid translation problems that can occur if you transfer this binary field in EBCDIC or ASCII.


Specifies that Variable Record Descriptors (RDW) are discarded during ftp transmission of VB or VBS data sets in other than block mode.