在监视 terraform (azure) 中的多个条件的警报中创建 2 个条件
create 2 criteria in an alert that monitors multiple criteria in terraform (azure)
resource "azurerm_monitor_metric_alert" "example" {
name = "example-metricalert"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.main.name
scopes = [azurerm_storage_account.to_monitor.id]
description = "Action will be triggered when Transactions count is greater than 50."
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["*"]
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["*"]
action {
action_group_id = azurerm_monitor_action_group.main.id
如果为一个条件设置了多个维度,则不能为警报规则设置 2 个条件,即不能将维度值用作 ["*"]
resource "azurerm_monitor_metric_alert" "example" {
name = "example-metricalert"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.main.name
scopes = [azurerm_storage_account.to_monitor.id]
description = "Action will be triggered when Transactions count is greater than 50."
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["GetBlobServiceProperties"]
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "SuccessE2ELatency"
aggregation = "Average"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 10
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["GetBlobServiceProperties"]
action {
action_group_id = azurerm_monitor_action_group.main.id
resource "azurerm_monitor_metric_alert" "example1" {
name = "example1-metricalert"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.main.name
scopes = [azurerm_storage_account.to_monitor.id]
description = "Action will be triggered when Transactions count is greater than 50."
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "SuccessE2ELatency"
aggregation = "Average"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 10
action {
action_group_id = azurerm_monitor_action_group.main.id
我想添加另一个条件,但出现此错误 当警报规则包含多个条件时,维度的使用仅限于每个条件中每个维度一个值
resource "azurerm_monitor_metric_alert" "example" {
name = "example-metricalert"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.main.name
scopes = [azurerm_storage_account.to_monitor.id]
description = "Action will be triggered when Transactions count is greater than 50."
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["*"]
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["*"]
action {
action_group_id = azurerm_monitor_action_group.main.id
如果为一个条件设置了多个维度,则不能为警报规则设置 2 个条件,即不能将维度值用作 ["*"]
resource "azurerm_monitor_metric_alert" "example" {
name = "example-metricalert"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.main.name
scopes = [azurerm_storage_account.to_monitor.id]
description = "Action will be triggered when Transactions count is greater than 50."
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["GetBlobServiceProperties"]
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "SuccessE2ELatency"
aggregation = "Average"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 10
dimension {
name = "ApiName"
operator = "Include"
values = ["GetBlobServiceProperties"]
action {
action_group_id = azurerm_monitor_action_group.main.id
resource "azurerm_monitor_metric_alert" "example1" {
name = "example1-metricalert"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.main.name
scopes = [azurerm_storage_account.to_monitor.id]
description = "Action will be triggered when Transactions count is greater than 50."
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "Transactions"
aggregation = "Total"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 50
criteria {
metric_namespace = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
metric_name = "SuccessE2ELatency"
aggregation = "Average"
operator = "GreaterThan"
threshold = 10
action {
action_group_id = azurerm_monitor_action_group.main.id