使用多个 BLE 外设连接处理 Android 上的通知

Handling Notifications on Android with Multiple BLE Peripheral Connections

所以,我是 Android 开发的新手,我正在尝试将我的设备连接到多个 BLE 设备 (T-Wristband) 以接收频繁的通知(IMU 传感器数据少于 20 个字节 50Hz).

当连接到多个设备时,我丢失一个或多个设备的数据。我怀疑原因是我的 BluetoothGattCallback 方法 onCharacteristicChanged 在所有设备的同一个线程上工作(注意: 我已经通过记录 Thread.currentThread.getName()).


1. Android 4.3: How to connect to multiple Bluetooth Low Energy devices

I suspect everyone adding delays is just allowing the BLE system to complete the action you have asked before you submit another one.



To achieve multiple BLE connections you have to store multiple BluetoothGatt objects and use those objects for a different device.

在这方面:我已经尝试为我的设备TTGODevice编写自定义class,它保存了相应[=17的实例=] 连接后:

public class TTGODevice {
  /* Bunch of psf constants */
  private BluetoothDevice device;
  private Context context;
  private Accelerometer acc;
  private BluetoothGatt server;
  private int deviceStatus;

  private final BluetoothGattCallback bluetoothGattCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() { ...

  public TTGODevice(Context context, BluetoothDevice device) {
    this.device = device;
    this.context = context;
    this.acc = new Accelerometer(); // My custom class for accelerometer on the T-Wristband device(s)

  public void connect(boolean autoConnect) {
    server = device.connectGatt(context, false, bluetoothGattCallback);

  /*Getters for device, server, and deviceStatus*/

BluetoothGattCallback 中,我重写了我的 onCharacteristicChanged,如下所示:

public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {

  byte[] bytes = characteristic.getValue();

  // updating the Accelerometer
  Log.d(TAG, "onCharacteristicChanged: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

我也试过在上面的回调中使用我的 server 的确切实例,但我运气不好。

byte[] bytes = server.getService(SERVICE_UUID).getCharacteristic(CHARACTERISTIC_UUID).getValue();



Android 上的 BLE 似乎无法处理 50Hz 及更高的采样率。我不确定这是 BLE-related 问题还是与 onCharacteristicCHanged 方法调用过于频繁有关。我通过每 50 毫秒 发送更大的数据包来解决这个问题,这与我每 20 毫秒 的原始情况相反。从 Bluetooth 4.2 开始,可以使用更大的 BLE 数据包,它使用 MTU最大吞吐量单位[=31= 进行控制]. This blog 对我理解底层机制有很大帮助。

当通过 BLE 以高采样率接收大数据包时,最好在 Android 上相应的 BluetoothGattCallback 中使用 gatt.requestMtu(MY_DESIRED_MTU)MY_DESIRED_MTU > 20Bytes。需要注意的是,更大的MTU意味着数据写入服务器设备的BLE特性需要更长的时间。

总之,我是用更大的数据包和更大的延迟来弥补采样率的限制。对于 T-Wristband 中 IMU 上 100Hz 的采样率,我使用 95 字节 的 MTU,由 Android 设备,50ms 延迟 T-Wristband 上的计时器。这允许我每 50ms.
