
Switch view supersonic

我正在开发 cross-platform 使用超音速的应用程序。但是,我相信我在理解 Supersonic 如何在内部管理视图时遇到了问题。

首先我不想使用原生导航栏,因为它不支持标题内的图像,比如公司的标志。这就是我不想将视图推送到视图堆栈的方式(因为它会自动添加 < 后退按钮)。

我的问题是:如何在 appgyver 的超音速中切换视图而不将其推入视图堆栈?类似于选项卡,但没有选项卡界面。可能吗?


您可以通过 this method:

supersonic.ui.navigationBar.hide(options).then( function() {
    supersonic.logger.debug("Navigation bar hidden without animation.");

还有一个隐藏导航栏的建议,这样它就不会在屏幕上闪烁 found here:

Navigation Bar not hiding I have noticed that a lot of the times, the bar won't be hidden because the call has been made before the view has finished loading, resulting in an error, and the bar not hiding .

Quick Fix: You need a way to tell the view that it has finished loading. How do we do that ? window.post()

On the original view, in any controller, add the following code

$scope.broadcastMessage = function(msg){

    var message = {
        recipient: "hideView",
        message: "Hi Hide view!"


In your second view, do the same, but use the following code

function messageReceived(event) {

    // check that the message is intended for us
    if (event.data.recipient === "showView") {
window.addEventListener("message", messageReceived);

That will make sure the call is not made until after the view has received the message (which it won't until after it has loaded)

这意味着将视图推送到堆栈将不会提供本机导航栏,您可以添加自己的导航栏并根据需要设置样式。这是目前使用 Supersonic 的一种非常常见的方法。


为了回答您的问题,没有办法让视图不被推送到堆栈。解决这个问题非常简单。您也可以使用 modals。同样,要根据需要设置导航栏样式,您需要创建自己的导航栏并隐藏本机导航栏。
