将 trie class 方法转换为 trie 节点方法

Transform trie class method to trie node method

我的问题是如何将这个方法从 trie class 转换为不使用节点作为参数的节点 class 的方法,我知道我必须树上的第一个方法是这样的:

public void remove(String key)
    root = root.remove(key, 0); 



static TrieNode remove(TrieNode root, String key, int depth)
            // If tree is empty
            if (root == null)
                return null;
            // If last character of key is being processed
            if (depth == key.length()) {
                // This node is no more end of word after
                // removal of given key
                if (root.isEndOfWord)
                    root.isEndOfWord = false;
                // If given is not prefix of any other word
                if (isEmpty(root)) {
                    root = null;
                return root;
            // If not last character, recur for the child
            // obtained using ASCII value
            int index = key.charAt(depth) - 'a';
            root.children[index] =
                remove(root.children[index], key, depth + 1);
            // If root does not have any child (its only child got
            // deleted), and it is not end of another word.
            if (isEmpty(root) && root.isEndOfWord == false){
                root = null;
            return root;
public TrieNode remove(String key, int depth)

            // If last character of key is being processed
            if (depth == key.length()) {
                // This node is no more end of word after
                // removal of given key
                if (this.isEndOfWord)
                    this.isEndOfWord = false;
                // If given is not prefix of any other word
                if (isEmpty(this)) {
                    return null;
                return this;
            // If not last character, recur for the child
            // obtained using ASCII value
            int index = key.charAt(depth) - 'a';
            this.children[index] =
                this.children[index].remove(key, depth + 1);
            // If root does not have any child (its only child got
            // deleted), and it is not end of another word.
            if (isEmpty(this) && this.isEndOfWord == false){
                return null;
            return this;