Xamarin 自定义渲染器中的程序集声明

Assembly declaration in Xamarin's custom renderers

我通读了 Xamarin Forms documentation for custom renderers trying to make sense of what the assembly attribute required for each implementation of a renderer actually did. I took a look at the C# documentation for Assemblies,但似乎找不到(简单的)解释。使用文档中概述的 MyEntry 示例,有人可以阐明这个程序集 attribute/what 它实际上发生了什么吗?

为了清楚起见,这些是我正在谈论的声明类型: [assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (MyEntry), typeof (MyEntryRenderer))]

[assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (MyEntry), typeof (MyEntryRenderer))]

MyEntry 是您常用(PCL 或共享)表单库中占位符 class 的名称。

MyEntryRenderer 是您的 iOS/Android/WP 项目中实际平台特定实现 class 的名称。

本质上,您是在告诉表单,"when you need to render MyEntry on Platform X, use the class MyEntryRenderer."