如何使用StreamWriter.WriteLine 方法在C# 中编写unix endofline 终止符'\n'?

How to use StreamWriter.WriteLine method to write unix endofline terminator '\n' in C#?

StreamWriter.WriteLine 自动写入行尾终止符,但是 StreamWriter.WriteLine 方法的默认行尾终止符似乎是 \r\n,是否可以将其更改为 \n for unix 平台?

我是运行Windows上的代码 10、平台相关吗?我可以在 Windows 环境中使用 StreamWriter.WriteLine 输出带有 unix 行尾终止符 \n 的文本文件吗?


using System;
using System.IO;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("NewLineText.txt", true);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                sw.WriteLine("new line test" + i);

我建议你使用 Write 而不是 WriteLine 或者写一个扩展方法。

public static class UnixStreamWriter
   public static void WriteLineUnix(this StreamWriter writer, string value)


StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("NewLineText.txt", true);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
   sw.WriteLineUnix("new line test" + i);

StreamWriter.WriteLine write endofline terminator automatically, but It seems that the default endofline terminator for StreamWriter.WriteLine method is '\r\n', is it possible to change it to '\n' for unix platform?

在 Unix 上 运行 时它已经使用 \n

I'm running the code on Windows 10, Is it platform-related?


Can I use StreamWriter.WriteLine to output a textfile with unix endofline terminator '\n' on Windows environment?

是 - 通过更改 NewLine 属性。您需要做的就是在调用 WriteLine:

之前设置 属性
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("NewLineText.txt", true);
sw.NewLine = "\n"; // Use Unix line endings
// Other code as before

顺便说一句,我还建议使用 using 语句,以便适当地处理作者 - 我个人通常会使用 File.AppendTextFile.CreateText。所以:

using var writer = File.AppendText("NewLineText.txt");
writer.NewLine = "\n"; // Use Unix line endings
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    writer.WriteLine($"new line test {i}");