无法将与单独数据库有关系的记录保存到 Lightswitch.ApplicationData

Unable Save a record to Lightswitch.ApplicationData with relationship to seperate database

设置: 2个数据库 Lightswitch.applicationdata 有 table 位客户 SQL.PlaceNamesData 有 table 个国家、州、地点和邮政编码 AddCustomer 屏幕是一个新数据屏幕。此屏幕有 3 个自动完成框,用于过滤国家、州、地点。邮政编码与地点是一对一的关系。

问题: 在提供的代码中,我试图将字段保存到新的客户记录中,但是所选的国家、州、地点和邮政编码没有与公司名称和其他详细信息一起保存。相反,PlaceNamesData 数据库中的每个外键都根据 postcodenum 字段按升序保存。


Namespace LightSwitchApplication

    Public Class AddCustomer

        Private Sub AddCustomer_InitializeDataWorkspace(saveChangesTo As List(Of Microsoft.LightSwitch.IDataService))
            ' Write your code here.
            Me.CustomerProperty = New Customer()
        End Sub

        Private Sub AddCustomer_Saved()
            ' Write your code here.

        End Sub

        Private Sub SaveCustomer_Execute()
            Dim newCustomer As Customer = Me.CustomerProperty
            Dim co As Country = Me.CountryProp.Country
            Dim st As State = Me.StateProp.State
            Dim pl As Place = Me.PlaceProp.Place
            Dim po As PostCode = Me.PlaceProp.PostCode      
            With newCustomer
                .CompanyName = Me.CustomerProperty.CompanyName
                .Street = Me.CustomerProperty.Street
                .AccountTerms = Me.CustomerProperty.AccountTerms
                .TaxRate = Me.CustomerProperty.TaxRate
                .Country = co
                .State = st
                .Place = pl
                .PostCode = po
            End With
        End Sub

        Private Sub AddCustomer_Saving(ByRef handled As Boolean)
            ' Write your code here.
            handled = True
        End Sub
    End Class

End Namespace

Ahhhhg 已修复 - 内部数据库和外部数据库之间的关系设置不正确。