discord.py 创建嵌入的命令

discord.py command that create embed

我正在尝试编写一个 discord.py 机器人,您可以在其中通过命令创建嵌入,类似于 mimu 机器人中的嵌入创建功能。我尝试对其进行编码,但它不起作用,有什么方法可以让它起作用吗?

async def embed_create(ctx):
    def check(message):
        return message.author == ctx.author and message.channel == ctx.channel

    await ctx.send('Enter your title.\nPut `none` if you do not want anything in this section.')
    await client.wait_for("message", timeout = 300.0, check=check)
    if message.content == "none":
      title = ""
      title = ("message")

    await ctx.send('Enter your title.\nPut `none` if you do not want anything in this section.')
    await client.wait_for("message", timeout = 300.0, check=check)
    if message.content == "none":
      desc = ""
      desc = ("message")

    embed = discord.Embed(title=title.content, description=desc.content, color=0xa9e9e9```


async def embed_create(ctx):
    def check(message):
        return message.author == ctx.author and message.channel == ctx.channel

    await ctx.send('Enter your title.\nPut `none` if you do not want anything in this section.')
    title = await client.wait_for("message", timeout = 300.0, check=check)
    title = title.content
    if title == "none":
      title = "** **" # it will still be empty but not give an empty error message
      title = title

    await ctx.send('Enter your title.\nPut `none` if you do not want anything in this section.')
    desc = await client.wait_for("message", timeout = 300.0, check=check)
    desc = desc.content
    if desc == "none":
      desc = "** **"
      desc = desc

    embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=desc, color=0xa9e9e9)

    await ctx.send(embed=embed)