在 Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 中是否仍然可以匿名化用户的 IP?

Is it still possible to anonymize the user's IP in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

在 Google Analytics v3 中,可以使用

匿名化用户的 IP 地址
{ anonymize_ip: true }

在官方 GA4 页面上我找不到任何关于它的信息,一些教程建议仍然像这样使用它与 Google Analytics 4:

gtag('config', 'G-1234568790', { anonymize_ip: true });



对于 Google Analytics 4 属性,默认启用 IP 匿名化。


Google Analytics 4 (collect data from your apps and/or your website): IP-address anonymization is always enabled. With this option, you collect data from your apps using the Firebase SDKs, and collect data from your website using a global site tag that includes a Measurement ID for your web data stream.