如何 运行 来自 python Google API 私有子网上客户端库的数据流

How to run Dataflow from python Google API Client Libraries on private subnetwork

我正在尝试使用 python google api 客户端库启动 Dataflow 作业。之前一切正常,直到我们不得不从默认子网迁移到另一个私有子网。之前我使用以下代码启动数据流作业:

    request = dataflow.projects().locations().templates().launch(
        projectId = PROJECT_ID,
        location  = REGION,
        gcsPath   = TEMPLATE_LOCATION,
        body      = {
            'jobName':    job_name,
            'parameters': job_parameters,
    response = request.execute()

但是现在作业会失败,因为默认的子网已经不存在了,我现在需要指定使用data-subnet子网。 来自 this documentation and also other question, the solution would be trivial if i were to launch the script from command line by adding the flag --subnetwork regions/$REGION/subnetworks/$PRIVATESUBNET. However my case is different becuase I am trying to do it from code, and in the documentation 我找不到任何子网参数选项。


    request = dataflow.projects().locations().templates().launch(
        projectId = PROJECT_ID,
        location  = REGION,
        gcsPath   = TEMPLATE_LOCATION,
        body      = {
            'jobName':    job_name,
            'parameters': job_parameters,
            'environment': {
                'subnetwork': SUBNETWORK,
    response = request.execute()

确保 SUBNETWORK 的格式为 "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/<project-id>/regions/<region>/subnetworks/<subnetwork-name>"