QTenv 启动时新的静脉地图示例不会自动启动,怎么办?

New map in veins example does not start automatically with QTenv launch, how to do that?

我用 osmWebWizard.py 创建了一张地图,它在 Sumo 中运行良好。当在静脉示例中导入它并在模拟中点击“Play/Start”时,没有任何反应,直到我也点击了 Sumo-gui 中的“开始”按钮。如果我在 Sumo 中从未击中它,QTenv 将“不响应”或崩溃。为什么会这样?可以手动更改吗?

尽管存在 *.poly.xml 文件并且我已经使用 polyconvert 函数构建了自己,但也没有按预期识别障碍。这就是为什么我也尝试了 GatcomSUMO 但在我的系统上运行不佳,我在 Linux,而在视频中使用 Windows 并且过程看起来非常简单。在一系列警告之后,我收到了一个错误。这是日志:

    Creating network ...
$ /usr/share/sumo/bin/netconvert --osm-files erlangen.osm.xml --output-file erlangen.net.xml --type-files /usr/share/sumo/data/typemap/osmNetconvert.typ.xml --geometry.remove --roundabouts.guess --ramps.guess --junctions.join --tls.guess-signals --tls.discard-simple --tls.join --no-internal-links --remove-edges.by-type rail,rail_urban,rail_electric,railway.tram,railway.subway --remove-edges.by-vclass rail,rail_electric,bicycle,pedestrian
Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.track' in type 'cycleway.track|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '3013106').
Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.track' in type 'cycleway.track|highway.primary' (first occurence for edge '3168871').
Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.track' in type 'cycleway.track|highway.residential' (first occurence for edge '3998612').
Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.opposite' in type 'cycleway.opposite|highway.residential' (first occurence for edge '4006673').
Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.lane' in type 'cycleway.lane|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '4006703').
Warning: Discarding unusable type 'waterway.stream' (first occurence for edge '28632099').
Warning: Discarding unusable type 'waterway.drain' (first occurence for edge '136977169').
Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '217862938' (assuming forward)
Warning: Discarding unusable type 'waterway.ditch' (first occurence for edge '220796507').
Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '318769938' (assuming forward)
Warning: Discarding unusable type 'railway.platform' (first occurence for edge '318770835').
Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '318771692' (assuming forward)
Warning: Discarding unusable type 'highway.road' (first occurence for edge '801917256').
Warning: Invalid color value 'maroon' in relation 77908
Warning: No way found for reference '52907459' in relation '457145'
Warning: No way found for reference '237465867' in relation '457145'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '457145' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '457145' with unknown to-way.
Warning: Invalid color value 'maroon' in relation 539311
Warning: Invalid color value 'maroon' in relation 539312
Warning: direction of restriction relation could not be determined
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '1670008'.
Warning: No way found for reference '226761695' in relation '3465387'
Warning: No way found for reference '15259223' in relation '3465387'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '3465387' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '3465387' with unknown to-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '32322083' in relation '4605132'
Warning: No node found for reference '277349616' in relation '4605132'.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '5271289' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '5271289' with unknown to-way.
Warning: direction of restriction relation could not be determined
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '5493089'.
Warning: Invalid color value 'maroon' in relation 10452312
Warning: Invalid color value 'maroon' in relation 10452313
Warning: direction of restriction relation could not be determined
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '10792693'.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '12631516' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '12631516' with unknown to-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '12631517' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '12631517' with unknown to-way.
Warning: Not joining junctions 1391319807,8202614797 (only 1 edge within and no cross-traffic).
Warning: Not joining junctions 2734068873,4362487943,8786465551 (not compact (maxEdge=437892677 length=6.33)).
Warning: Not joining junctions 8202614798,8202614802 (only 1 edge within and no cross-traffic).
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '2522148710'.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '3243159704'.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '3382948452'.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '347788385'.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '399712470'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 7.54 at the end of edge '-1006523085'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 4.10 at the start of edge '-147640263'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 8.96 at the start of edge '-147640276#1'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 3.85 at the end of edge '-225465769'.
Warning: Found angle of 130.08 degrees at edge '-244945463#2', segment 1.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 3.56 at the end of edge '-244945463#2'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 3.85 at the start of edge '-257301058#0'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.59 at the start of edge '-298083052#1'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 8.90 at the end of edge '-3013107#1'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 7.12 at the end of edge '-31309439#0'.
Warning: Found angle of 113.73 degrees at edge '-32611578#0', segment 0.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 7.85 at the start of edge '-32611578#0'.
Warning: Found angle of 113.90 degrees at edge '-331643070#0', segment 1.
Warning: Found angle of 119.35 degrees at edge '-530255016', segment 1.
Warning: Found angle of 100.11 degrees at edge '-777352091', segment 0.
Warning: Lane '-831711750_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '3596313357'.
Warning: The traffic light 'joinedS_0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
Warning: The traffic light 'joinedS_0' has a high cycle time of 280.00.
Warning: 13 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
Warning: 15 total messages of type: Discarding unknown compound '%' in type '%' (first occurence for edge '%').
Warning: 7 total messages of type: Discarding unusable type '%' (first occurence for edge '%').
Warning: 12 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
Warning: 14 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the end of edge '%'.
Warning: 25 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the start of edge '%'.
Warning: 6 total messages of type: Ignoring restriction relation '%' with unknown from-way.
Warning: 6 total messages of type: Ignoring restriction relation '%' with unknown to-way.
Warning: 14 total messages of type: Invalid color value '%' in relation %
Warning: 14 total messages of type: No way found for reference '%' in relation '%'
free(): invalid pointer
Failed (1529 ms.)

要允许 QTenv 运行 Omnet++ 模拟和 SUMO,在 *.sumo.cfg 文件中设置 参数很重要。默认情况下,osmWebWizard 工具指向 *.view.xml 文件,该文件留给用户修改。


        <start value="true"/>

对于那些想尝试 GatcomSUMO 的人,您在 OMNeT++ 选项卡中有这个参数,检查以下屏幕:

这里有一段视频展示了如何使用 GatcomSUMO in Linux。将 .jar 和 src sumo 文件夹复制到同一目录中很重要,这正是我所缺少的。